The use and the damage of stroke varicose veins

Varicose veins of the lower extremities – difficult and unpleasant disease, but this is not the verdict of a normal life, if you go with the mind to therapy. The same jogging with varicose veins has the right to exist, but only to certain important conditions.

If in varicose veins of the legs for running?

stroke varicose veins

The veins, the defeat of the veins in the legs is a disease that develops for years and decades, discreetly making adjustments adverse in the well-being and the functionality of the patient. The complex includes a series of unpleasant or painful signs, which expresses the patient of the discomfort in daily life, and, in the first place, is the feeling of heaviness in the legs.

Also, many patients complain of symptoms such as the feeling of internal swelling in the legs, burning sensation and also nighttime cramps in the calf muscles, caused by the fact that the blood vessels continue to expand and inflamed.

The most heavy of all these signs, such as the swelling of the soft tissues, occur exactly in the evening after a day of work, so if you can talk about running for the varicose veins on the legs, and then only in the morning, when the muscles, veins and tissues are rested and fresh.

Now as far as the fact of jogging: how to run in varicose veins is not prohibited, but is not allowed – it all depends, in the last analysis, from the opinion of the treating physician.

The specialist must take into account all the parameters of the state of his patient, including the weight (degree probable obesity), respiratory function and the cardiovascular system, the degree of injury to the venous network and other similar factors, and only he can allow to run in varicose veins – any autonomy on the part of the patient can be fraught with complications.

How it can be useful to jog with varicose veins?

From the disease the same race with varicose veins of the lower limbs do not help: with this disease struggle medical and surgical way, by making many efforts to achieve the result.

On the other hand, if you received a doctor's approval, the compatibility of the stroke and pathology pretty obvious, because this kind of physical activity beneficial to the general condition of the patient.

For example, regular jogging in the morning help to:

  • strengthen the heart muscle;
  • the normalization of the blood flow to the legs and from them;
  • excess weight loss, generating the load on the lower limbs;
  • strengthen the skeletal system;
  • oxygen saturation in the blood;
  • activation of forces of immunity of the organism.

No wonder specialists in each episode they feel that the race reinforces health and improves the general tone and well-being, then the one who took to the sport at an amateur level, has the right to expect a speedy recovery from his current illness.

For the internal balance of the body, the effects of this activity is estimated, for example, with more specific, skiing, jogging or swimming, which is not suitable at all, so if varicose veins can be run for almost all.

Technique of execution of exercises that work

As well as complicated the status of the venous network in your legs, cannot be discounted in the preparation of the plan of treadmill activity, you need the right approach and the most technical of stroke, stroke, and varicose veins complement harmoniously.

This is best to rely on the knowledge of doctors and coaches, who will help you choose the best load in every single case, and will also monitor the status of the patient.

In the first place, you should stop it for time and distance: it is better to run jogging in a quiet area (slow or medium pace, choosing the shortest distance with smooth coating and relief. The recommended time for a run – not more than 20 minutes, as well as other sports will not give necessary for the health of the effect.

You need to consider, and a few other basic parameters:

  • maximum heart rate during the load – 120 beats per minute, and to control his need for the entire race;
  • to go to jog better in the morning on an empty stomach, in warm weather, the choice of a time, where the air is not heated;
  • the frequency of the lessons is chosen individually, but in the early stages of the best be limited to three-four times per week;
  • at the slightest sign of fatigue or overvoltage (or feet) stop the load of work and rest, setting aside the lesson for the next time.

Please note! Many doctors today feel that adjust the travel at the first sign of the disease – bruises and sprockets on the skin – it can inform the further development of varicose veins and blood of the veins, or, at least, mitigate the consequences, therefore advisable to engage for the purposes of prevention.



Shoes too should be agreed with your doctor, because a specialist in diseases of the feet, a knowledge of which models and variety of best to wear one way or another the patients.

Any massive, heavy, or hard (rigid) athletic shoes and sneakers – expressly forbidden, because the patient is running will be difficult, and instead of filling up energy that he will come back home broken and tired, which is typical for varicose veins.

Choice of running shoes, you need to focus not on their fashionable appearance, as well as on the structure and the material of manufacture should be soft sneakers, stitched in genuine leather, with mandatory insole orthopedic.

No less important to pay attention to the presence of a good drilling to ensure the inflow of fresh air and reduce the temperature, as hot feet, promote the appearance of swelling in the calves and ankles.

Contraindications stroke

The contraindications to the employment joggers not so much in the first place, is obesity – if the body mass index over 25, jogging will have to replace only the active walking. The same is true for patients with diseases of the bones and joints, which is so strong a movement fraught with negative consequences.

When diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory system should consult a doctor to determine the load limits, but also in this case the lessons can be considered to be relatively prohibited or unwanted. Finally, a road race it would be better to replace mechanized treadmill in the gym, if the patient has vision problems, or coordination in space.