Varicose veins on the legs: symptoms and treatment

Varicose veins on the leg

For varicose veins on the legs the symptoms and treatment are linked to one another. It is a common disease of the blood vessels, accompanied by a weakening of the distribution system aparata. Of varicose veins felt every person, and most people have an idea of how dilated the blood vessels in the foot. But you need to know about the initial signs of the disease and rules for the prevention of malocclusion.

Because it occurs

Varicose veins of the lower limbs develops under the influence of various factors. The main causes of malocclusion:

  • Hereditary predisposition. When the congenital failure of development of the connective tissue are affected valves. Are not able to carry out its functions — prevent regurgitation. Later develops stasis, the blood vessels dilate and deform, increases the probability of formation of blood clots.
  • Features of the constitution. Excess weight leads to an increase of the load on the veins. The walls of the blood vessels become weaker, lose their tone and elasticity. The likelihood of developing malocclusion in people with excess body weight has increased by over 33%.
  • Style of life and work. Varicose veins is by a long stay in the upright position, from excessive loads. Women — with frequent use of high-heeled shoes. Causes of varicose veins include the use of tight underwear, incl. florence, which leads to compression of large veins in the groin area, and the disruption of normal blood circulation in the lower limbs, lack of physical activity, place of work in the same location.
  • Violation of the hormonal balance. Change the amount of estrogen and progestin in human blood can lead to a reduction of the tone of the blood vessels. Cause the malocclusion can long-term use of hormonal oral contraceptives, the use of medicines during the menopause, etc ..
  • Pregnancy. The growth of the fetus resulting in crushing of the blood vessels, the development of stagnation of the blood in the organs of the small pelvis and to the legs.

Install the software the causes of varicose veins of the legs, and its resolution allows you to avoid the progression of malocclusions and the development of complications.


Varicose veins of the lower limbs is frequent in women and in men. Characterized by a progressive in the course of, in which we highlight the following degrees and types of varicose veins on the legs:

  • The phase of payment. In this period, the patient does not submit a complaint to the deterioration of health. The initial events — on one or both feet in the field of the legs are advanced blood.
  • The Stage subcompensation. Complain of pain in the legs, sensation of swelling, cramps. The legs are swollen, especially towards the end of the work day.
  • Phase of decompensation. The patient's condition deteriorates, they develop complications — dermatitis, eczema, hyperpigmentation, trophic ulcer.

In the case of varicose veins disease classification includes the following varieties:

  • The local defeat. In a pathological process involving segmental vienna. Reflux (return of blood draw) does not yet exist.
  • Segmental loss. Appears to be a pathological refusal of blood, in which are involved the surface or the communication of vienna.
  • The town of the defeat of the superficial veins with reflux. Varicose veins in men is manifested by a loss of all the surfactants of the vessels. Often on both feet is broken.
  • The involvement in the pathological process of deep veins.

The types of varicose veins of the lower limbs according to international classification:

  • Class 0. The lack of complaints and visible manifestations of the disease.
  • Class 1. Appear venous mesh, telangiectasia. The first complaints about the deterioration of health.
  • Class 2. Under the skin displayed the dilated blood vessels.
  • Class 3. As A result of stagnation of blood appears swelling of the ankles and legs.
  • Class 4. In case of violation of circulation develop signs skin.
  • Class 5. Occurs the defeat of the epidermis, the skin easily injured, the sick heals.
  • Class 6. Form sores.

Symptoms and signs

Varicose veins on the legs

The first signs of varicose veins the legs of the women — the emergence of spider veins or varicose veins. At the beginning notice them is extremely difficult, because they are isolated and are located most commonly on the posterior surface of the tibia or below the knee. After a long stay in the foot or the use of high-heeled shoes occur weight and a slight swelling. For varicose veins of the men is characterized by fatigue of the feet.

Gradually the patient's condition has aggravated the symptoms of varicose veins blood visible to the naked eye. The veins swell, become twisted and irregular, appear to be strings. It reduces the sensitivity of the skin. Night is not excluding the occurrence of seizures. Swelling more pronounced.

Varicose consequent interruption of the circulation of the blood, the tissues have lack of oxygen and nutrients. Occur disorders and trophic disturbances, the skin becomes smooth, glossy, color. Signs of varicose veins of the legs for men swelling persist even after long periods of rest. Itching, dermatitis.

In the case of severe varicose veins symptoms include the education, non-healing trophic ulcers in the area of the ankles. This is likely secondary attachment of the microflora, and the development of infectious inflammatory process. On the leg varicose veins are often complicated the development of thrombophlebitis — inflammation of the vascular walls. Perhaps a local increase of temperature in the field of heavyweights, and even the low-grade fever.


Varicose veins is set according to the results of the harvest history and the visual examination of the patient. To refine the initial stage of the disease, the prevalence of a pathological process, the flow characteristics of blood, the presence of collateral, reflux, status of the valve unit, it is necessary to further the examination of the patient.

Ultrasound of the veins of the lower limbs

With varicose veins of the lower limbs you need to do:

  • Or Duplex ultrasound angiography. Gives you the ability to get the image of a blood vessel in its entire length, to identify the presence of extensions, and reverse current of the blood, the state of the valves.
  • ULTRASOUND of the veins of the lower limbs with the use of contrast medium. If it is born varicose veins, venography is necessary to establish obstruction of the superficial or deep blood vessels in the foot. The research is necessary before surgery to determine the method and amount of transactions.
  • A CT scan or an mri with contrast. You can obtain a series of images, by which establishes the patency of the blood vessels, the degree of extension, the state of the valve unit, the presence of collateral, etc.,

If varicose veins of the legs, it is necessary to conduct laboratory studies for the evaluation of the rheological properties of blood and other indicators. For this you need to deliver:

  • The analysis of the blood. In the presence of an inflammatory process increases the speed of sedimentation of red blood cells, increases the performance of white blood cells.
  • Koagulogrammou, test it on the lupus angiboust, etc., Allow you to set the trend to an increase of the thrombosis, the status of the coagulation and Universiada blood.

How to treat

Treat varicose veins the men standing need complex. The therapeutic scheme is designed taking into account the stage of the disease, the prevalence of a pathological process, the presence of complications and other factors.

Methods of treatment of the conservative of varicose veins without the intervention used in the early stages of the disease. With their help, you can stop the progression of malocclusion, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve the tone and elasticity of the veins, normalize blood circulation and prevent the development of the phenomena of stagnation.

An important role in the therapy of the disease plays the use of compression stockings. Special hose-hosiery provide a variable pressure over the entire length of the leg, do not allow the backflow of blood, support your muscles, preventing the development of edema. Wearing them need after a night of rest, not getting up from the bed. Knitwear for the individual man, because every product there is a different degree of compression.

What type of doctor treats varicose veins

The doctor to treat with varicose veins of the veins of the legs is required as soon as possible. For this you need to know what type of doctor treats varicose veins. Then, in the first place you should go to your doctor or the family doctor. After the visit, the specialist will give guidance on the advice of a doctor, who cure varicose veins is called phlebology. This narrow specialist, the student diseases of the veins.

If a specialized doctor for varicose veins in a clinic or hospital is missing, the treatment of all types of diseases of the blood vessels deal with a angiologist or surgeon.

If necessary, the surgical treatment in varicose veins of the veins of the legs must contact the doctor-considering or sosudistomu surgeon. In the district hospital similar problems in the handling of the surgeon general.

How to treat with drugs

It is possible to cure varicose veins without the intervention only in the early stages of the disease. For this you need to use the following groups of drugs:

  • Phlebotonics. Affecting the state of the vascular walls. Promote density, reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, increases the tone and elasticity of the skin, they treat the property. To restore the normal flow of blood in the vessels, stimulate the flow of lymph.
  • Anticoagulant agents and antiplatelet. Normalize the rheological properties of the blood. Thinning his own, prevent the formation of blood clots. Are used with the aim of preventing the complications.
  • Antioxidants. Accelerate the elimination of toxins and other harmful components from the human body. A beneficial effect on the state of the hematopoietic system. These products are based on extracts of ginkgo biloba, a multivitamin complex.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Helps to relieve pain, inflammation, heaviness, a sense of human fullness, bloating, and other unpleasant manifestations of malocclusion. Use their need for attention, not more than 10-14 days. This is due to the fact that drugs have a negative impact on the state of the digestive tract, they can cause a worsening of peptic ulcer disease. In real time can provide them can be used in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection, tablets for oral use and rectal suppositories.

Treat varicose veins need a long period of time, in the space of a few months. A must is the receiving phlebotonics in summer, because this time the body of a person, including blood vessels, warns the greater load.

Effective treatment of varicose veins includes the application of ointments and gels for external use. Their need to rub in the field of pathological varicose veins multiple times a day. Drugs stimulate the microcirculation, taking the tissue repair at the cellular level.

How to get rid of the disease with the help of folk remedies

For varicose veins on legs treatment includes the application of folk remedies. You can use them as an adjunct to traditional medical treatment. They help to get rid of varicose veins in a short time — in order to stop the progression of the malocclusion and improve the health of the patient.

Treat varicose veins on the legs of women, you can use the following tools:

Tincture of horse chestnut
  • Packages of tomatoes. For this you can use tomatoes in any degree of maturity. Should be more fruits, cut them into rings, apply advanced blood vessels and nodes, to consolidate. After some time, at this point you should see a slight burning sensation, after which the wrap must be removed, and the legs and rinse. Fight varicose veins with this method, it is necessary not less than 2-3 weeks.
  • Lemon juice rubbing. Citrus fruits have a marked tonic effect. To perform the procedure is necessary to cut a slice of lemon and rub it on the epidermis.
  • Tincture of horse chestnut. For the preparation of medicines, the fruits have to grind, put in a glass bowl. Half-fill vodka or diluted with alcohol. Tara put in a cool and dark place, shaking. Resist not less than 1 month. Take the medication for 5-10 drops 3-4 times per day. Treat varicose veins on the legs of the men dye, chestnut you need for 2-4 months.
  • Apple cider vinegar 6%. The instrument tones blood vessels and strengthens their walls, helps the swelling. It is used for rubbing on the skin, the procedure is the need to make varicose veins regularly, in the course of a few weeks.
  • A pack of kalanchoe. Helps to remove a slight varicose on the legs of the men. For the preparation of drugs, it is necessary to take some leaves of plants, chopped, and pour diluted alcohol. Tool to insist 7-10 days. Use for fit body wraps — weight put on the cotton a piece of cloth, is disposed on an area of the patients blood, the top to cover the bag with plastic wrap and strengthen. Care varicose veins long, a couple of weeks. The procedure should be done for the night, for the drug has acted for as long as possible.

Before using popular methods for the treatment of varicose veins, necessarily discuss this with the doctor. Some methods can bring more harm than good.


It is possible to cure varicose veins forever the only way — with the help of a surgery. However, any operation is accompanied by some risks, so going to her is to be desirable only if they are expressed changes of the blood vessels. With the help of a surgical treatment can completely remove the varicose veins.

In varicose veins treatment is chosen taking into account the characteristics of the disease. The main methods:

  • Removal laser. With the help of the beam is welded problematic veins of small diameter. Them stops the circulation of the blood, with the passing of time, their land goes right. The uniqueness of the method is that of accuracy of exposure, the surrounding tissues are not damaged. The control is carried out using an ultrasonic sensor. The procedure is less traumatic, requires no special training, takes place in outpatient settings.
  • The sclerotherapy. To remove varicose veins in the lumen of the vessel, is injected with a special substance — a sclerosing. The medication causes the remodeling of vienna, with its subsequent resorption. The procedure is carried out step-by-step without anesthesia, its duration does not exceed 30-40 minutes. After the manipulation the patient a couple of days should wear a special compression garment. Sclerotherapy is effective in the fight against vascular asterisks and mesh, telangiectasia, advanced, and gnarled blood, and even when a serious disease.
  • Miniphlebectomy. On the skin are small holes, after which clean the affected area blood. The procedure is carried out step-by-step in local or general anesthesia. Just the is used in the fight against the twisted and defective veins.

That dangerous

Diseases of the blood vessels relate to the system conditions. The defeat of the veins of the lower limbs easily see, however, the process often spreads to other boats. Dangerous varicose veins on the legs of the women in the first place, to the fact that they can go to the pelvic organs. This runs the risk of developing complications during the pregnancy. And in this period many of the drugs are prohibited for use.

Dangerous varicose veins on the legs of the men, since the process may spread to the sexual organs, in particular, lead to an enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord. You risk the appearance of male infertility.

Other complications in real time can provide consist in increasing the probability of formation of blood clots and obstruction of the lumen of the blood vessels. It is not excluded the development of phlebitis. Dangerous disease and the formation of venous ulcers. And ' open the gate for infection of wounds that do not heal in relation to the breach of the vascularity of the tissues.


The motor activity, the prevention of varicose veins

To prevent the development of varicose vein disease of the lower limbs, it is necessary to monitor the health with the young age. The prevention of the disease is most effective treatment for the foot with the development of complications.

To have a good circulation of the blood, it is necessary to provide adequate motor activity. If a man on a long-period remains in the same position, you should regularly a little bit of training. You need to take responsibility for the choice of shoes — must be on a small heel (not more than 6 cm), convenient, not to compress the step.

It is necessary to follow weight. Excessive weight is one of the factors predisposing to the development of the disease. It also causes an increased load on the blood vessels. The clothing should be of natural fabrics. Avoid using too narrow body underwear, to avoid being crushed by a trunk of the blood vessels in the groin area.

During the hygiene procedures it is advisable to use the shower, which gives the possibility to change the temperature and pressure of the water. With these tricks, you can tone the blood vessels, increasing the flow of blood.

Preferably every day to do the charging, or do sports. Not necessarily run a couple of miles at one time, simply the pleasure of attending the swimming pool, to make excursions by foot or bicycle.

Before the use of hormonal contraceptives should consult not only the gynecologist, but phlebologist, tests for hormones. If you change the level of female hormones in the blood, this can affect negatively the state of the walls of the blood vessels.