What not to do with varicose veins (varicose veins) in female lower extremities (legs)

Varicose veins on woman legs

Attention must be paid to the contraindications of varicose veins in the legs to prevent the progression of the disease without causing complications. In this case, the only way to treat pathology is surgery.

Do and Don’t Do

There are many contraindications for varicose veins of the lower extremities.It covers almost all areas of life.In the presence of varicose veins, many types of physical exercises are not possible, and many products are prohibited, even if not all methods of removing body hair are acceptable.

Taking medicine

For varicose veins, it is strictly forbidden to take any medicine without the permission of a doctor. The contraindications of varicose veins apply to drugs that have a thickening effect on the circulatory system.

Hormonal drugs are strictly prohibited. This drug increases the risk of blood clots and the possibility of varicose veins. This also applies to hormonal oral contraceptives. Long-term use will aggravate the condition. Therefore, this method of contraception must be abandoned, and barrier methods should be preferred.

Physical exercise for varicose veins

Physical activity

An absolute contraindication for varicose veins of the lower extremities-physical activity, which means weight lifting (more than 4 kg). This means that it is forbidden to engage in power loads in stadiums. You can’t jump, so it’s forbidden to take lessons on grassland and skipping rope. It is not recommended to use popular weight loss measures, such as running or climbing stairs.

Sports games such as volleyball or football are restricted. Only in the early stage of varicose veins and the legs are bandaged is it possible to engage in these types of activities. You cannot squat or squat quickly.

For varicose veins, most physical activities other than swimming are prohibited. This sport is not only allowed to be sick, it is also recommended to participate. Regular swimming will help strengthen blood vessel walls and prevent many complications.


For varicose veins, the contraindications also apply to diet and some restrictions are required. But this does not necessarily require fasting and a rigid diet. The diet must be properly balanced to allow the body to absorb adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. Shopping list,Flour productsshould be reduced:

  • Pastries, sweets-cause excessive weight gain, which creates extra pressure on the legs and aggravates the course of varicose veins.
  • Animal fats-increase cholesterol levels in the blood, thereby blocking blood vessels.
  • Spices, herbs and salt-retain water and cause swelling. The latter exerts pressure on blood vessels and interferes with normal blood circulation.
  • Coffee and its alternative to chicory-raise blood pressure, resulting in loss of elasticity of blood vessel walls.
  • Celery-Although this vegetable is a diet food, people with varicose veins cannot use it due to its adverse effects on blood vessels-it causes its walls to thin.

The following products must also give up varicose veins-pickles and marinades, fried foods.

Tobacco and alcohol

The existence of bad habits such as drinking and smoking aggravates the course of the disease. Even if varicose veins are in the early stages of development, and often smoke and drink, they will develop rapidly.

The effects of alcohol and tobacco on the blood vessels of varicose veins in the legs are as follows-when alcohol and nicotine enter the body, the elastic tube wall suddenly expands, after which they contract for a long time and spasm. As a result, the elasticity of blood vessels is reduced, and the disease worsens and progresses faster, leading to dangerous complications.


It is strictly forbidden to tattoo on the legs with varicose veins to prevent varicose veins. If the owner of the tattoo shop decides to execute the order, it means that his qualifications are very low. This process will damage blood vessels, and the disease will cause many serious complications.


Warm compress is not included for varicose veins of the lower extremities. Heating the legs can temporarily stop the pain and discomfort symptoms of the pathological process. However, this feeling of relaxation would be deceptive. Pressing to heat the skin of damaged blood vessels will accelerate the formation of blood clots and increase the risk of inflammation.

The only way to relieve the condition is to apply cold compresses, such as applying fresh cabbage leaves to the feet. Such measures will help stop the signs of varicose veins-leg pain and heaviness, buzzing and swelling. Regular application of cold cabbage leaf dressing can greatly reduce the appearance of subcutaneous veins.

Hair removal


All the methods forbidden by women to imply irritation to the skin and its heating are:

  • Use wax to remove hair (hot and ready-made strips, heated by hand);
  • shugaring;
  • Quantum hair removal-exposure to light pulses that heat and destroy hair follicles;
  • Enzymatic hair removal-a method based on hair removal, which is based on the effect of enzyme-containing substances on hair follicles;
  • Use tweezers to pull out the hair.

For varicose veins, hair removal methods can be used, such as shaving, laser removal, special gels and creams. For varicose veins in the early stages of development, if there are no obvious symptoms, you can resort to techniques such as electrolysis.

Contrast shower and hydromassage

These procedures are not only unsuitable for varicose veins, they can also be used. It is recommended that a venous hematologist conduct regular checkups to eliminate the signs of illness and prevent complications.

Regularly receive a contrast shower, alternately acting on the skin with cold water and hot water, which can train the walls of veins to achieve the desired tone and help restore lost elasticity. If varicose veins occur in the early stages, the contrast shower will prevent their further development.

wrapping paper

In the case of varicose veins in the legs causing swelling of the veins, the wrapping film can be used to maintain the beauty of the legs and eliminate fat only if the selected technique excludes exposure to heat. Suitable packaging procedure:

  • Contains algae and herbs;
  • Add chocolate;
  • With the healing mud.

Duration of the process-no more than 15 minutes. After packaging, a contrast shower is recommended.


On its own, varicose veins are not an absolute contraindication for medical or surgical termination of pregnancy. However, if a woman has severe varicose veins and requires a miscarriage, it is recommended to consult a phlebologist before the operation.


When the disease causes complications and leads to small pelvic varicose veins, it is impossible to abort with varicose veins.


This minimally invasive diagnosis and treatment procedure is not recommended. If other methods cannot provide a positive treatment response, it is only carried out for specific indications.

Mud therapy

In the case of varicose veins, the use of mud for treatment and cosmetic surgery is not a contraindication. The main thing is that the dirt should not be heated before this procedure. The use of medicinal ingredients in varicose veins helps reduce the severity and intensity of symptoms.

bath tan

Baths, saunas, Turkish baths and long stays under the hot sun are absolute contraindications to varicose veins. You cannot go to bathhouses and those who have a genetic predisposition to varicose veins, because the disease is more likely to occur after visiting the steam bath.

Do not expose your feet to hot steam. For damaged containers that cannot withstand such a high thermal load, the temperature drop in the bath is too critical. In this case, the development of the disease will be very difficult to control.

Most women prefer to use tanning to hide their ugly veins. But sunbathing is also a heat treatment procedure, which means that this is highly undesirable for varicose veins. Veins that need treatment, not covered veins.