Varicose vein exercises: what you can and can’t do

Varicose veins are a common condition in men and women after the age of 30, and can also appear at an earlier age. If you take preventive measures and exercise for varicose veins of the lower extremities, it is possible to prevent the development of pathology and heal fragile blood vessels and capillaries.

Movement of varicose veins

Benefits of exercise therapy

A set of physical exercises for varicose veins can help improve blood flow, increase the patient's physical endurance, and strengthen the structure of damaged blood vessels and muscles.

If physical therapy (exercise therapy) is not neglected, the course of the disease can be significantly relieved, swelling can be relieved, and leg fatigue can be eliminated.

Recommended practice

Exercise to prevent varicose veins and treat diseases to dilute the fluid in the blood vessels, eliminate the swelling of the subcutaneous veins, and restore the natural tone of the skin.


  • Strengthen the leg muscles with the participation of the hip area;
  • Loaded on the diaphragm to regulate blood flow and saturation of nutrients in the blood;
  • Hiking, riding stationary bicycles, intensive pedaling;
  • Swimming in the pool.

The phlebologist recommends regular exercise therapy twice a day for ten minutes each time. It is recommended to divide the course into several parts-5-7 minutes in the morning and the same amount before going to bed, prioritizing the load that is not too strong to the body.

Doctor's advice

Exercises for leg varicose veins can be done with the help of a physical therapist or independently. It is important to track the exercise load and exercise flexibility to avoid sudden swings and body turns.

Overwork will only harm the patient and complicate the course of the disease. The room should be spacious and well ventilated. It is best to do exercises for varicose veins on the legs after getting up. It is important not to forget compression socks and comfortable shoes.

Health complex

Gymnastics for varicose legs of the lower extremities includes the following exercises:

  • Reduce leg fatigue at night-lie down, raise your legs, and hold for about 5 minutes;
  • Connect your legs, stretch your arms, lift your toes carefully, stand for 2-3 seconds, and go down;
  • Lie on the floor, raise your legs, and rotate your feet in and out.

System charging will stop the progression of the disease, reduce the risk of varicose veins in one stage flowing into another stage, and eliminate complications.

Healthy gymnastics for leg varicose veins

Gymnastics in the office

Practice against varicose veins at work, sitting on a chair:

  • Raise your legs into a straight posture, and make circular motions with your limbs;
  • Lift your feet and place them on your toes, 15 times per leg;
  • Extend your fingers upwards, and fix your heels on the floor motionless;
  • Roll your foot from heel to toe.

For sedentary work, it is recommended to take a 5-minute break every hour. At this point, it is useful to perform actions in a standing position:

  • Bring your legs together and lift your toes and calves vigorously;
  • Walk in high heels with a straight back;
  • Place your hands on an imaginary or real wall that is shoulder-width apart, bend your legs and transfer weight to it, throw your other hand back and stand on your toes, and change your legs after 10 seconds;
  • Alternately tear off the heels from the floor and exercise regularly, one method several times, at least 20 times a day.

The treatment exercise for varicose veins in the legs provides a rest period, so after 5-10 minutes of exertion on the limbs, you need to lie down in a relaxed state to regulate blood circulation and resume breathing.

Attention! Exercise should not cause discomfort, burning, tingling, swelling or other complications of varicose veins in the affected veins. It is important not to forget the medication to effectively get rid of the disease.

Varicose veins can cause leg pain

Jumping Mikulin

In the fight against varicose veins, academician Mikulin’s vibration gymnastics proved itself. A special exercise for legs with varicose veins only includes special jumps. Regular execution will help eliminate the symptoms of varicose veins.

  1. After waking up, you need to stand up straight, extend your arms along your body, and at the same time inhale, raise your toes by one centimeter. As you exhale, lower your legs sharply to the floor.
  2. When hitting with the heel, the body will be slightly shaken, pushing the blood upward through the blood vessels, so that the blood vessels are cleared from the inside.
  3. Mikulin’s special jumps must be performed at least 60 times a day; you cannot turn the exercise into a violent jump. The movements should be smooth and accurate, every 20 pushes-rest for 10 seconds.

These exercises are very useful in combination with the exercises of small pelvic varicose veins. Small pelvic varicose veins usually occur during the second pregnancy and subsequent pregnancy, which puts a great load on the pelvis.

A set of pelvic organ exercises

Physical therapy exercises help strengthen the walls of veins and improve blood flow. The following exercises are useful:

  • Bicycle-lying prone to imitate the foot riding a bicycle;
  • Scissors-cross your legs alternately;
  • Half squat-no lower than knee level;
  • The compression of the buttocks is a Kegel exercise to show the mother-to-be that the childbirth is painless.

After varicose vein exercises, the self-massage of the legs and thighs helps stabilize blood flow, eliminate harmful elements at the cellular level, and relieve fatigue.

It is useful to pat from the ankle to the knee and rub the calf in a circular motion. You can use natural or anti-varicose nourishing or moisturizing creams purchased in pharmacies.

At the end of this set of exercises, it is recommended to do a swallowing action-straighten your back, stand up straight, relax your arms, and lower it along your body. When you inhale, your arms are up, and when you exhale, you swallow.

Exercise for varicose veins

During exercise therapy, you need to drink a small amount of fluid and moisten your lips with water to avoid puffiness. Protein nutrition is very useful, especially in the morning, before going to bed-cereals, fruit smoothies.

Bubnovsky on varicose veins

The technology does not provide medication. The doctor guarantees that by performing simple exercises on a regular basis, you can improve the mobility of the joints and increase the elasticity of the muscle tissue.

Gymnastics can be performed in any position:

  1. Sit on a chair-use your toes to raise your feet tensely, stretch your limbs forward and perform circular motions of your feet, popular rolling from toe to heel, and vice versa.
  2. Lying on the bed-lying on your stomach, bend your knees, tap your buttocks with your heels, then alternately raise your legs and keep them until you feel a little tired.
  3. Lie on the floor-bicycle, scissors, take turns raising your legs, shaking your feet violently.
  4. Standing-Lift up with your toes, drop your heels sharply, and spread your arms to your sides. Do light squats.

Dr. Bubnovsky recommends that this set of exercises be divided into three parts-morning, lunch time and evening, to be carried out regularly. As a supplement, you can use yoga elements. The lotus position promotes blood circulation and helps remove orange peel.

It is best to use strenuous walking instead of running and swimming in a swimming pool. Varicose vein exercises for the lower extremities according to the Bubnovsky method are suitable for every patient, regardless of the stage and age of the varicose veins.

Preventive exercise

Varicose veins, calm walking, cycling for about 10-20 minutes a day, contrast showers, swimming pool exercises are all useful, which helps to eliminate swelling and relieve the patient's general condition.

It is recommended to get rid of the habit of sitting with upright legs and disturbing blood circulation. It is also worth restricting walking in high heels to reduce the load on fragile blood vessels and capillaries.

At night, it is recommended to take a bath for tired legs and add a decoction of medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus), citrus, and juniper essential oil. When resting, you need to adjust your position so that your heels are higher than your hips.

Measures to prevent varicose veins

In addition to exercise and medication, it is important to monitor your diet, eat slowly and in divided portions, and not overeating, especially before going to bed. It is important to avoid severe jumps in weight.

Everyday shoes play an important role in preventing varicose veins. Shoes should be of the right size, good quality and comfortable. In the early stage of varicose veins, you should pay attention to compression stockings and choose the size according to the phlebologist’s recommendation.


What exercises can't be done for varicose veins at home:

  • Skipping rope (has a great load on the veins, exercise will cause blood clots to fall off);
  • Weight-bearing exercises (kettlebells, barbells, etc. );
  • Long-term riding on stationary bicycles (venous overload, blood flow disturbance);
  • Power emission (vascular tension);
  • Gymnastics stretching exercises (swollen veins, damaged capillaries).
  • High-intensity running, speed, long distance (leg load)

For patients with varicose veins, electrical loads are not included. A good choice is swimming pool or aerobic exercise. According to the phlebologist’s recommendation, the gym will be available after the disease is completely eliminated.

Gymnastics for varicose veins of the lower extremities-how to improve the condition of veins with simple exercises

Exercise bike for treating varicose veins

Varicose veins is a very common pathology, which seriously damages the quality of human life. This disease is difficult to fully recover, but in order to promote its progress, it is worth doing some special exercises.

Varicose veins are called stable expansion and elongation of veins, accompanied by thinning of the vein walls and the formation of so-called nodules. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the severe pathology of the vein wall and its valve insufficiency.

This disease is very common and more common in women. Usually, varicose veins start at working age-about 30 to 40 years old.

The main risk factor for this disease is an inactive lifestyle.

The benefits of varicose vein treatment exercises cannot be overestimated. Special gymnastics allows you to:

  • Improve venous and lymphatic drainage;
  • Increase physical endurance;
  • Normalize arterial inflow;
  • Increase the tone of veins;
  • Improve peripheral circulation.

If the treatment exercises for varicose veins in the legs are neglected, the blood in the affected blood vessels will stagnate. In addition, the pressure will increase.

In turn, this can cause water to accumulate in the ankles, feet, and calves, which often aggravates the pain.

Characteristics of physical activity

In particular, exercises for leg varicose veins are useful for people who rarely exercise in daily life.

Walking is the simplest exercise, and people with this condition must walk every day. Cycling is also very possible. Swimming is also very useful.

Suitable for varicose veins

Not everyone knows that not every physical activity is useful for varicose veins. What exercise is good for varicose veins and what is bad? Surgical removal of varicose veins is often the only solution. We will tell you which type of surgical intervention to choose in a specific situation.

There are also special therapeutic gymnastics for varicose veins of the legs. In order to perform these exercises as effectively as possible, the following rules must be followed:

  • People who work for sedentary work should do a five-minute warm-up at least once an hour;
  • It is very important to monitor your posture, it is not recommended to cross your legs;
  • Charge for 15-30 minutes a day;
  • You need to do several repetitions throughout the day.

A set of exercises

Phlebologists recommend doing exercises specifically for varicose veins in the morning and evening, for about 15-30 minutes, and at the same time not to let yourself exhausted, because everyone has their own physical limits.

Five minutes of continuous exercise is enough, it is recommended to take a break. If you feel tired, it is best to postpone the meeting.

The main set of exercises for all types of diseases

These exercises are suitable for lower and upper limb varicose veins, small pelvic varicose veins and other types of diseases:

A set of exercises for varicose veins
  1. Lie on your back, bend your leg, and pull it to your chest. After that, straighten it, fix it for a few seconds, and then put it down. Do the same exercise with the other leg.
  2. Lie down, bend your legs and lift up. Straighten them, hold them for one second, bend them again and return to their original positions.
  3. Lie down, raise your legs, and use your feet to do a rotating movement, which must be done outwards and inwards. Then you can bend and straighten your toes and feet.
  4. Sit on a chair with your heels on the floor. Move the toes in different directions. Do it 15-20 times.
  5. Lie on your stomach with your hands on your hips. Take turns raising each leg as high as possible. Stay at the highest point for a few seconds and then return to the original place. Do it 8-10 times.
  6. Practice "swallowing". Stand up straight and lower your arms along your body. Inhale, raise your hands, and stand on your toes. When exhaling, adopt a swallowing position. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
  7. Roll from heel to toe, transferring weight to it. Do it 15-20 times.
  8. For 15 minutes, walk on your heels and toes with your hips elevated.

Leg exercises

Gymnastics for varicose veins of the lower limbs includes the following exercises:

  1. Relieve leg veins. You need to lie down, close your eyes and relax as much as possible while breathing deeply and evenly. Several pillows should be placed under your feet-this will raise them 15-20 degrees.
  2. Lie down, bend your legs, and put your feet on the floor at the same time. Put your hands on your hips. Inhale gradually and raise your head and body. The hand should slide to the knee. After slowly exhaling, return to the original position.
  3. Lie down, knead your hands along your body, raise your legs 15-20 degrees, and put a small pillow in the middle. Inhale slowly, bend your lower back, and tear your buttocks off the floor. Exhale slowly and return to the original position.
  4. Lie down with your hands on your body. Bend your legs, exhale gradually, and tighten your abdomen. When you inhale, distend the abdomen.
  5. Put your feet together and place your arms on your body. Take a deep breath, slowly lift your toes, exhale, and return to the original position.
Exercise with gymnastic ball to treat varicose veins

Regular special exercises for the lower limbs will reduce the performance of venous insufficiency, delay the development of the disease and reduce the threat of dangerous complications.

In order to reduce the manifestations of varicose veins in the upper extremities, you should perform simple exercises:

  1. Lie on your back with a pillow under your neck. Raise your arms and legs perpendicular to your body and pull your feet towards you. Breathe evenly and deeply. After that, use your arms and legs to vibrate for 3 minutes.
  2. Cross your arms behind your head. Slowly turn your body in two directions. Do it 20 times.
  3. Stretch your arms forward, clenching your fists. Open your palms and spread your fingers at the same time. Do it 20 times.
  4. Squeeze your left wrist with your right palm. Raise your left hand as high as possible and hold your right hand against it. Repeat 20 times. After that, raise your hands and fix them in this position for 20 seconds. Repeat the exercise with the other hand.
  5. Raise your arms above your head, clenched and loose your fists. Do it 80 times. Put down your hand and do the same thing.

A set of pelvic organ exercises

If varicose veins have touched the pelvic organs, the following exercises are recommended:

  1. Exercise bike". You should lie on your back and imitate riding with your feet. In this case, your back and lower back should be pressed on the floor.
  2. Practice "scissors". Lie on your back and stretch your arms along your body. Perform cross movements in vertical and horizontal positions.
  3. Practice "Birchwood". Lie on your back, leaning on your shoulder blades, raise your legs and hold them until you feel tired. If you want, you can complicate this exercise by adding flexion and extension to the knee.
  4. Half squat. Stand up straight, spread your legs 30-40 cm, and sit down slowly, not below your knees. Literally, you should stay in this position for a second and then slowly return. Do it 10-15 times.
  5. Sit on the floor, put your arms behind, on the floor, and stretch your legs. Bend your right leg at your knee and place your foot close to your left knee. Raise and lower the left leg. Do it 10-15 times.
Exercise for varicose veins of pelvic organs

Additional exercise

To make the treatment of varicose veins as effective as possible, additional exercises can be done throughout the day:

  1. Stand up straight with your feet straight. Stand up on your toes and slowly lower yourself. Do it 20-30 times. Separate the socks, put the heels together, and do another 20-30 lifts. The same procedure should be done with stretched high heels and flat toes.
  2. You need to walk on the spot and don't take the socks off the floor.
  3. Bring your legs together and stretch your arms along your body. Breathe slowly and retract your shoulders back. When you exhale, you need to relax and tilt your head forward.
  4. The starting position is the same. Take a deep breath, raise your arms and stand on your toes. After that, when exhaling, return to the original position.
  5. Squeezing the hips is very effective. This exercise can be performed anywhere on the body.

Exercise to prevent varicose veins

In order to prevent the development of varicose veins, special exercises are also required:

  1. Lie down, stretch your arms along your body, and put your legs straight on the chair. The left and right feet are bent alternately. Do it 5 times on each foot.
  2. Lie down and stretch your arms along your body. Lift your legs and stretch them in different directions. In this case, pull the sock back and rotate the ankle joint left and right. Do it 5-7 times.
  3. In the same position, bend your legs and perform a rotational movement in the knee joint. Do 5-8 times on each side.
  4. Lean on your shoulder blades and lift your legs, just like in the "Birch Tree" exercise. Spread your legs to both sides. Change the position of the leg in the swing. Do it 4-7 times.
  5. Jump with your toes 10-15 times, stand on your feet, and repeat the jump after a few seconds.


Varicose Veins Cycling

But this does not mean that all sports against varicose veins are prohibited. For example, swimming is very useful, and all exercises that can be performed while sitting or lying down are allowed.

It is also possible to practice yoga or Pilates.


The benefit of massaging varicose veins is to stimulate blood circulation in the affected area.

It is recommended that experienced technicians perform this procedure.

If you decide to do this yourself, you need to remember that the touch should be as gentle as possible. Don't touch veins that are more prominent than others-this will only exacerbate the problem.

The diet for varicose veins includes proper nutrition.

The diet should include foods that are beneficial to blood and blood vessel conditions. Be sure to eat more foods rich in vitamin C.

In addition, seafood must be included in the diet, because they can prevent blood vessel walls from stretching.

Also useful is plant fiber, which ensures the normal function of the intestines, which is very important for varicose veins.

Vibration exercises

We lower our heels to the floor, spread our feet slightly and relax. We started tapping the floor with our heels. You need to feel how the whole body vibrates. To do this, you need to be very relaxed and let the vibration reach your head. Feel your skin vibrating.

Gently shake your legs apart one by one, then lower yourself to the floor. We lie down on our back, with our legs extended and our arms extended. We began to actively use our limbs for cowardice.

  • Practice'shaking'
  • We try to imagine that we are shaking off the brush and the water droplets on our feet.
  • We breathe naturally with our abdomen.

These exercises help to generate extra vibration, constrict the capillaries and push the blood more actively. In addition, these actions can improve the flow of all fluids in the body. These actions are very simple and effective.

  1. Start at 1 minute and gradually increase the time.
  2. After "shaking", place your bent legs on the floor, place your palms on your abdomen and relax.
  3. Breathing exercises

Feel the movement of your abdomen as you breathe. When we inhale, our abdomen swells, when we exhale, we lower the abdominal wall. After relaxing breathing exercises, we turned to a sitting position.

Relaxing massage

We complete this complex with a light foot massage. We start with the feet. You need to massage each toe, arch and heel.

  • Foot massage
  • Then, with a slight stroke, move up from the foot.

We try this massage for 2 to 5 minutes. We iron the calf behind the thigh.

  1. Thigh massage
  2. After working on one limb, we continued to massage the other leg.

Such a set of exercises for leg varicose veins can keep them youthful, healthy and beautiful. The most important thing is not to do this from time to time, but to do it regularly. And don’t forget other ways to treat varicose veins at home.

Contraindications of physical therapy exercises

  • For this disease, the legs should not be overloaded under any circumstances.
  • It is not recommended to engage in professional sports that require static exercise or severe strength load.
  • Lifting weights is absolutely impossible.
  • For varicose veins, only light exercise is allowed and will not cause excessive stress.

Varicose veins is a rather unpleasant disease that occurs frequently. In order to reduce its performance, special exercises are recommended.

However, moderate and regular practice is very important.

Varicose vein treatment exercises-correct execution techniques, choose complex ones according to the complexity of the disease and neglect.