Varicose veins of reproductive organs

Both men and women can develop varicose veins in their reproductive organs. In fair sex, pregnant women often suffer. Genital varicose veins are caused by circulatory disturbances in the pelvic area. The manifestation of the disease brings discomfort to the lifestyle.

If varicose veins in intimate areas are found in the early stages of development, it is possible to avoid complications and pathological consequences.


Genital varicose veins occur in humans for various reasons.

  1. Genetic factors play an important role. Those with relatives suffering from genital varicose veins should pay attention to preventive measures. This will reduce the risk of unpleasant pathology. Medical professionals know that relatives have had similar illnesses in the past. Some medicines can cause varicose veins.
  2. Due to the patients' bad habits, varicose veins on the genitals are often present. A large part of the population of the Russian Federation has bad habits such as smoking. Every smoker knows the harm to the body. Group C vitamins are responsible for enhancing the strength of vein walls. Nicotine destroys substances and increases the risk of varicose veins in the genitals and other parts of the body. The longer a person smokes, the greater the likelihood of pathology.
  3. Abuse of alcohol will greatly increase the possibility of genital varicose veins. Due to the effect of alcohol, the inflammatory process begins in the vein tissue.
  4. Varicose veins may be caused by inappropriate lifestyle. If a person sits or stands most of the day, this can significantly increase the risk of illness. Varicose veins will not appear for a few days, but if this happens again within a few years, this may be the cause of the disease.
  5. Usually, pregnant women will have genital varicose veins. Medical experts attribute this to hormonal imbalance in the body. Several hormones are responsible for keeping the veins in good condition. Usually, varicose veins of the labia appear during adolescence, which can also be explained by hormonal imbalances.
  6. Genital varicose veins usually occur in overweight people. If a person is prone to obesity, he needs to remember that as the weight increases, the body load including the pelvic organs will also increase.
Inguinal pain from genital varicose veins

In men, genital varicose veins may be related to many reasons.

  1. Promiscuous sexual intercourse.
  2. Use erectile medications.
  3. Damage to the reproductive system and urinary system.


The pathological clinical manifestations of men and women are different. The symptoms of varicose veins in female reproductive organs are as follows.

  • An increase in veins is possible, with a large number of interwoven nodules.
  • In the perineum, the skin becomes dry and irritable.
  • In the groin area, there is a sensation of itching and pain.
  • Burning sensation is possible.
  • Swelling of the genitals.
  • Urination disorders.

During sexual intercourse, the above-mentioned clinical manifestations of women will increase, and the discomfort after physical exertion or going to the toilet will increase. In most cases, patients will complain of pain in the perineal area. Due to the constant discomfort, the patient's mental health was affected and she became irritable.

In the initial stage of disease development, there is no discomfort; the presence of the disease can be guessed through the small nodules in the genital area. Over time, they start to grow larger, and other symptoms gradually appear. Tumors interfere with sexual activities and human activities.

Another sign of genital varicose veins is pigmentation of the perineal skin. During palpation, the presence of venous nodules will be felt, and these nodules will become larger over time.

In half of the male population, the disease is often accompanied by varicocele and dilated testicular venous tubes. In the initial stage of pathological development, blood circulation is disturbed, and over time, blood begins to accumulate, resulting in an increase in the genitals.

One of the most serious complications of genital varicose veins is infertility. One of the most reliable signs of varicose veins in the reproductive system is pain during sexual intercourse. There are enlarged venous passages on the genitals.


The earlier pathology treatment is started, the lower the risk of complications. The dangers of genital varicose veins are as follows.

  • There is a risk of infertility.
  • The beginning of the inflammatory process of the reproductive organs.
  • Mental health damage caused by discomfort.

This disease can lead to dysfunction of the reproductive system; mothers with genital varicose veins may have difficulties in the process of giving birth to a baby.

The possibility of infertility can be explained by the fact that inflammation during the development of the disease can enter the tissues of the reproductive organs themselves. As a result, ulcers begin to form. In this case, if medical experts conduct surgical intervention, conservative methods will be ineffective.

If the patient ignores the clinical manifestations of the disease and does not seek the advice of medical experts for a long time, his flora will be disturbed. As a result, infectious and fungal inflammation began. This complicates further diagnosis.

treatment method

When contacting a medical expert, the patient will undergo a diagnostic procedure and undergo a blood test. In most cases, conservative methods are used to combat this disease. The attending doctor recommends buying pressure underwear, prescribing anesthetic ointment, and prescribing some medications.

In some cases, sclerotherapy is required. This is an injection technique that you can use to remove altered veins. Cool the affected area with air, and then inject the medicine, which causes the veins to narrow and blood flow to normalize. 6 minutes after the injection, squeeze the affected area from both sides.

Sclerotherapy is one of the effective ways to treat genital varicose veins, it can prevent the formation of blood clots in the future.


The medical level cannot get rid of varicose veins of the reproductive organs. Allows consultation with medical experts to achieve rapid improvement of the condition and elimination of pathological clinical manifestations.

At the end of the course of treatment, patients should undergo pathological prophylaxis, which will reduce the risk of recurrence.

  • If there are genetic factors, it is recommended to give up hormone drugs. This includes birth control pills.
  • If women have a high chance of developing genital varicose veins, pregnancy can lead to complications. During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the body. Therefore, there may be a lack of hormones that keep the veins in good condition. For this reason, during pregnancy, the risk of genital varicose formation increases dramatically.
  • It is important for adolescents to understand the serious consequences of premature sex in advance.
  • Medical experts strongly recommend quitting smoking and drinking. A large number of methods and means to give up bad habits have been developed.
  • The doctor recommends paying special attention to preventing excess weight. Obesity is not just because of overeating. Until the patient gets rid of excess weight, it is impossible to overcome pathology.

The modern medical level allows you to deal with the clinical manifestations of genital varicose veins. There are many painless ways to solve the problem.

All the patient needs to do is to consult a medical expert when the first symptoms of the disease appear. This will simplify the treatment process and avoid complications.