Exercises for legs with varicose veins after surgery.

Immediately after surgery, you can already start to do a simple exercise, while in the prone position – rotate and fold tarsus joints , follow the movement, imitating the cycling. After that you will be allowed to get out of bed, start walking is the best way to recover and improve the flow of blood in the veins. The duration of walks adjusted according to their own sensations, and gradually increase.

As soon as you experience a feeling of heaviness in the legs and calves, it is necessary to take discumbentes position. If it is not possible to lift the foot of the bed, the underlay under the foot cushion – must not be in a horizontal position. In the first 1-1,5 months after the operation stick of the transition of the regime, and avoid stress, but gradually increase their, already after a couple of months to lead a normal, habitual for you life.

The care for the seams and nutrition

Give the seams to become stronger, and scar orta est, not squallentes your feet. The first few weeks of washing the feet with lukewarm water and do not use sponges and brushes. Delete six-months visit of baths and saunas. If in the healing of the seams are starting to itch – anoint with iodine , helps to relieve the itching and accelerate healing.

If you have excess weight, you need to reset is an additional burden to the legs and veins. Follow a special diet, in which you can't drink carrot juice, it helps the coagulation of the blood . But cherry, citrus fruits, tomatoes, grenades, blood-thinning, so be sure to include in your diet. In the initial period, after consultation with the doctor, you can apply and drugs, drugs that thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots.

The operation on the quam varicose veins is a complex process that requires a long preparation and recovery.

For the period of rehabilitation was a success and without complications, it is important to follow the doctor's instructions, eat a balanced diet and completely eliminate bad habits.

The operation on the quam varicose or phlebectomy takes place with the impossibility of conservative treatment. Radical action is required, with the risk of thrombosis, strong, Superb, trophic ulcers, irreversible changes of the blood vessels.

The operation for varicose veins</1_img>

The operation on the quam varicose veins is performed under general or local anesthesia in a hospital, does not require more than 2.5 hours. Much more long-lasting the recovery period. How well you will play, depends on further health of the patient.

With modern minimally invasive techniques (e.g., sclerotherapy) is required hospitalization. The procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure, after 3 hours after the patient can go home.

However, the period of recovery is needed and in case of non-traumatic techniques. The failure mode incorrect power supply may result in a relapse of the disease.

The rehabilitation period after the operation of the quam varices aims to prevent complications, which often occur after the procedure.

To unpleasant consequences after the operation of the quam varicose veins varicose veins are:
  • pain and heaviness in the legs;
  • the development quam varicose veins and the defeat of new veins;
  • numbness of the limbs, decrease of the sensitivity of the skin;
  • bleeding and sepsis in the places of removal of the veins.

After the intervention on the quam varices the patient stays in the hospital for 3-5 days. The practitioner checks the state of the patient and, if necessary, prescribes painkillers. For prevention apply in soft, blood, and decongestants drugs.


In a period of rehabilitation after the operation at quam varices patient is necessary compression stockings : leggings, socks. If the feet swell, and click on the desired product dimensions is impossible, use a wide elastic bandage.

Has overlapped, from the foot up to the knee and wraps perfectly to the foot, without compressing. Bands need to wear the entire period of rehabilitation, which change every day, injuries processed of chlorhexidine or other disinfecting medicines.

After the removal quam varicose veins, it is necessary to rest in bed, however, complete immobility will not necessarily save. The patient can move his feet, turn around, do the rotation movement of the foot, bend at the knees.

It is a mini-gym in the rehabilitation period after the operation of the quam varices improves blood circulation, promotes the flow of lymph and prevent swelling.

When the patient will be able to get up from the bed, it is necessary to increase the motor activity. You can walk to the room, do gymnastics with lifting and lowering the straight or bent legs.

Particularly useful in post-operative period when quam varices exercises on the floor:
  • imitation of a bicycle;
  • lifting of the knees to the chest;
  • retraction of the abdominal wall.
These movements not only improve the circulation of the blood, but notice the constipation, that are dangerous when quam varicose veins.

In a period of rehabilitation will pay particular attention to areas where the operation was performed. The seams are formed by 2-3 months, how long will it take the scars.

The diet in the period of rehabilitation after the operation at quam varices should be balanced and varied, completely excludes the products provocative. On the first day after surgery, the patient offer полужидкие cereal in water, soup on the vegetabilis; the broth, bathrooms, meatballs, white meat poultry, low-fat fish, vegetable stew. After the end of the menu mode, you can extend.

Important! Avoid eating too much. Excess weight when quam varicose veins is not valid, the maximum nutritional value of the diet of 2500 kcal per day (for men with moderate physical activity).

During the rehabilitation period after the operation of the quam varicose veins is very important to drink mode.
  • in the menu you need to include home made and fructus bibit, rich in vitamin c and potassium;
  • instead, the coffee is better to consume green or herbal tea;
  • on et operated quam varices positively influence juice pyropis, cherries, black currants, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit. Enrich the body with vitamins, LASCIVIBUNDUS, contribute to the liquefaction of the blood.

After the intervention on the quam varices from the diet, it is necessary to exclude dishes, causing thrombosis, swelling, worsen the circulation of the blood. To this category belong a variety of cured meats and preserves, contain high amounts of salt and preservatives, sharp sauces and spices, fatty meat, vegetable fats, and solid industrial, desserts and carbonated beverages.

In a period of rehabilitation after the operation is absolutely excluded alcohol, it is appropriate to give up and smoke. Alcohol and nicotine accelerates the process of deformation of the blood vessels and can cause thrombosis.


The rehabilitation period after the operation of the quam varicose veins – the possibility to pay particular attention to their health. The correct diet, hygiene, reasonable physical exercise, to the exclusion of trigger factors will help you recover in as short a time as possible and to avoid unpleasant complications.