The symptoms of varicose veins of the lower limbs and veins treatment at an early stage

The man is subject to various diseases, in developing, which, by the way, to a certain extent guilty himself. This is our reluctance to lead a healthy active life-style, the implementation of which is postponed each time until Monday next. And this fashion? That is not to be men and women, trying to satisfy the style icon, after that in adulthood reproach himself for rash acts.

The result of this behaviour (not in all cases) can become a disease, such as varicose veins of the lower limbs, the symptoms and the treatment in later we'll talk about in more detail.

What is varicose veins


The name of the disease in Latin, means "swelling". In fact, as soon as the swelling of the veins, and you can see with the naked eye to the affected area of the body. However, this demonstrates the dynamics of the development of the disease and is not an early symptom of varicose veins.

If varicose veins are affected venous vessels due to circulatory disorders and the functioning of the valves.

To the maximum extent varikoznim changes are the veins of the legs, but the disease can also be observed in the vessels of the walls of the large and small basin. Very rare are the cases of the onset of this disease in the blood vessels of the upper limbs.

On-line help. Varicose veins is a common disease, that the average frequency of defeat of the population is of 10-18%.

It is worth noting that the appearance of the first signs of varicose veins on the legs, and even their further development (in the absence of treatment) women have observed several times more often than men. Age and figure has no meaning.

The damage of the venous wall may have bacterial, physical, traumatic, chemical nature of the source.

On the basis of this, it is possible to highlight the following triggers of this disease of the legs:

  • sedentary life-style;
  • the legacy;
  • the professional activity associated with heavy physical workloads or long stay in one position (sitting or standing);
  • daily wearing of tight underwear and high-heeled shoes;
  • a significant increase of body weight;
  • during pregnancy, especially the second and the next.

If in life there is at least one of these reasons, you should immediately solve the problem, or at least, pay more attention to the state of the veins of the legs.

The symptoms

The symptoms of varicose veins on the legs are in direct depending on the stage of the disease.

On-line help. The most obvious symptom of varicose veins of the legs, which is not possible with something confuse –the extension of the superficial veins, and most markedly in the blood bulge in the lower part of the leg.

There are 4 stages varicose veins of the lower limbs, each one characterized by specific symptoms manifestations:

  • initial – heaviness in the legs, fatigue after walking, swelling;
  • the first – the appearance of varicose veins, burning sensation in calves and arrests, seizures (especially at night);
  • the second – to all of the above symptoms, it adds to itching, numbness, pigmentation of the skin in the affected area. Furthermore, the emergence of a strong swelling and severe pain. Blue nodules become more pronounced.
  • the third phase heavy disease, which greatly suffers from the coverage of the skin of the foot. You look at the dryness, the appearance of cracks, darkening of the skin in the ankle. Nodules veins swell more and more, which is dangerous, because you can break even with minor injuries. If a thing happened, in the place of nodules appear sores, which is dangerous not only for health, but also of the life of a person.

Symptoms of varicose veins of the legs, depending on the stage of development of pathology

Run this disease can not in any case. At the slightest suspicion it is worth to turn to a highly qualified specialist for the help, after all, if the initial phase is successful enough to treat and conservative ways, then the third or last phase it is necessary to perform the operation.

On-line help. During the execution of the form of varicose veins often we can observe the development of thrombophlebitis – the formation of blood clots, or venous, that threatens the life of the patient.

It is worth noting that the development of this pathology in subjects of the female sex. Because of the characteristics of the structure of the body, you may experience other symptoms of varicose veins on the legs of women.

These include the strengthening of all the signs of the disease during the period of menstruation and the menopause. This is the result of hormonal changes in the female body.

Begins as varicose veins on the legs

It is worth to speak of an initial stage of varicose veins on the legs

This point is very important, because by a timely definition and the correct action of the patient will depend on the quality of his future life.

Begins this pathological condition is almost imperceptible, since the signs are manifested in the form of normal fatigue.

As a time, for this reason varicose veins often goes unnoticed until severe manifestations.

One of the first symptoms of varicose veins on the legs – the appearance on the skin of vascular lattices, which form small capillaries, blue or red in color.

On-line help. Vascular mesh, or as they are called capillaries, which manifests itself not in all cases, in this stage of the disease.

To start the development of the disease more, and it has the following indications:

  • Periodic swelling of the legs.
  • Tiredness, heaviness and pain in the legs.
  • A feeling of fullness in the calf.

An early manifestation of varicose veins of the legs

The above symptoms can increase in the case of strong stresses, at the end of a work day or during the hot season.

In a first moment, they disappear after resting in the supine position, and your legs raised.

If not treated, over time the manifestations of the disease begin to intensify, by purchasing a next stage progression.

Therapy and the early prevention of varicose veins

There are no contraindications. Talk with your doctor.

Before to begin to consider ways for the treatment and prevention of the initial stage of the disease, we touch upon a problem of diagnosis of varicose veins of the lower limbs.

For the identification and subsequent treatment of the disease is necessary to visit the doctor, who will prescribe the list of requests to the search and analysis:

  • coagulogram – the study of the coagulation of the blood;
  • common analysis of blood;
  • ULTRASOUND to locate the affected areas blood;
  • rheovasography – control of congestive hyperemia of the tissues with the calculation method, rheographic index;
  • surgical research (very rarely), for example, phlebography, in which they perform the intravenous injection of contrast medium to determine the state of the circulatory system.

Before defining the varicose veins on the legs of these ways, the doctor, of course, listen carefully and capture all the complaints of the patients, and also holds the revision.

On the basis of all diagnosis and determine the nature of the disease, the doctor prescribes an appropriate therapy.

Preventive measures

Prevention plays an important role in the presence of risk factors for the onset of this disease. So not worth to ignore their respect, even if you beginner varicose veins.

You can protect from further development of the disease and the need for surgery.

With this purpose it is necessary to respect the following rules:

  • Moderate exercise, especially swimming.
  • A correct diet.
  • The acquisition of vitamin complexes.
  • Strengthen the walls of the blood vessels with the help of a shower of contrast.
  • Wear underwear of compression.
  • The exercises are designed to improve the circulation of blood.

Methods of prevention of varicose veins


These exercises are known to all even at school: "bicycle", "scissors", the walking on the toe and the heel, the flexion – extension stop at the ankle joints, as well as the execution of circular movements.

Important! These exercises you should perform every day, because the only way they can bring benefits.


The treatment of the symptoms of varicose veins of the veins of the legs in the initial stage is quite efficient. Usually expert – flebolog assign comprehensive therapy, which includes a number of different methods of treatment.

The most effective way of them are the following methods:

  • Massage in the case of varicose veins — one of the effective methods for the treatment of the disease
  • Therapeutic exercise and hiking to the normal circulation of the blood.
  • Therapeutic massage – eliminates fatigue and improves circulation.
  • Compression garment – creates a uniform distribution of the pressure.
  • Flebotoniki to relieve the pain and swelling in the legs, improve muscle tone.
  • Creams to improve the elasticity of the skin.
  • Creams and gels (best based vetonikov and heparin) – eliminate the heaviness in the legs, eliminate the flow of blood.
  • Another unusual, but effective – patch by varicose veins, based on medicinal herbs and roots.

If in the early stage of the disease, in good faith, perform all of the requirements of the physician, and that all the ability to stop the progression of the disease and, therefore, avoid the operation.