Varicose veins in pregnancy

Despite the fact that the period of pregnancy is a wonderful time, can cause a disease that is unpleasant, such as varicose veins. In about 30% of women pathology occurs after the first pregnancy, after that percentage continues inexorably to grow. Varicose veins in pregnancy affects women, that it are. Some of the fairer sex to emphasize the first manifestations of varicose veins, even before pregnancy, after which the situation is aggravated.

Varicose veins visually is a telangiectasias or so-called "worms", the first represent a spider's web of blood vessels. "Worms" have a view of the extended main veins. It is precisely in such a situation occurs, the protruding veins, which have the thickness of a finger and painted blue-green color. Varicose veins is not only a cosmetic defect, this disease is extremely dangerous and carries with it serious complications. The most dangerous consequence may be the formation of a blood clot, which at any time may come out, that is a direct threat to the mother and the child.

Reasons for the development of

Reasons for the development of

A disease that is unpleasant, like varicose veins of the legs can develop as a consequence of hormonal changes in the body of the future mother. Increasing progesterone promotes the destruction of the walls of the veins. The woman is actively gaining weight, the load on the legs increases, increasing the pressure on the veins. From this load, veins, and capillaries begin to lengthen and increase their size. In addition the growing uterus compresses the veins of the pelvis and causes further tension of blood vessels of the legs.

Another cause of varicose veins during pregnancy I would like to mention a sedentary lifestyle. Many women are in an interesting position, prefer to stay in the supine position, for which the blood stagnates in the veins of the legs, and the blood vessels dilate.

I want to emphasize the main reasons that influence the development of varicose veins during pregnancy:

  • Iliac veins compressed to increase the uterus. This organ is highly prevents the outflow of blood as it compresses the veins and the distal department of the inferior vena cava in the last months of pregnancy. The blood circulates badly in the hip area and the vulva;
  • Hereditary predisposition is a major cause of the development of varicose veins during pregnancy;
  • The work of hormones. Progesterone actively lowers the tone of the walls of the veins, which leads to its traction. An increase in estrogen causes an increase of blood flow in the arteries of the uterus and of the pelvis;
  • The increase in pelvic blood flow. Pregnant women suffering from blood flow in the pelvic region. Begin the violation of the outflow of blood from the foot because of what occurs is stagnant, and the veins dilate;
  • The increase in the volume of blood. Irregularities of the functioning of the venous system largely occur because of the large increase in venous blood. This happens as a result of an increase in the volume of the plasma and the expansion of the vascular bed;
  • Other causes of the onset of the venous disease of the legs during pregnancy include: morphological changes of the tissues, the veins, the anatomical changes in the valves of the veins, disease of the connective tissues;
  • Constipation. Such a delicate problem, which affects almost all pregnant women. For the constipation must push hard, as a result of changes occur in the veins.

Additional factors in the development of varicose veins during pregnancy can be attributed to the age of the mother, number of pregnancies, and heredity.

But there are those reasons for development of varicose veins during pregnancy, that result in his appearance before the interesting situation of a woman, and that is:

  1. Often wear shoes with heels, which has a height greater than 8 cm;
  2. Variety hot hair removal;
  3. Frequent heat treatments, such as Turkish baths, saunas, hot springs, and so on;
  4. A drastic change in weight;
  5. Hiking in the solarium and frequent exposure to the sun.

The symptoms of the disease and the diagnosis

The symptoms of the disease and the diagnosis

The formation of varicose veins of the veins of the legs has the mechanism, which is presented in the form of the inflation of the blood in the legs, after which it remains locked in, as are the veins in the hand are crushed. After that, there is stasis of the blood, the swollen vein inside. The development of this pathology during pregnancy has its stages:

  1. The initial phase is virtually without any symptoms. Visually, you can find out about this slight modification of the network vein of the legs. In the evening the lower limbs may swell, but in the morning, this model goes without a trace;
  2. Via may participate in cramps which occur during the night. To cramping connects to the severe pain and itching that occurs during the night;
  3. In the next phase occurs a strong change of shape of the veins. Begin to swell outward, have large dimensions and are too bent. With this measure you can and do not feel the unpleasant sensations, but in most cases, a woman suffers from a strong pain.

Problems with the veins, you care of a physician. On the advice of a technical woman will be given the answers to the questions of treatment, or receiving it, the vascular surgeon who specialises in surgery of the arteries and veins.

The research necessary:

  • ULTRASOUND of the blood vessels of the legs. This method will help you to a specialist to verify the degree of injury of the veins, direction of blood flow and the presence of stagnation. On the basis of this study, the doctor lava prescribe a treatment with drugs to thin the blood in the veins, or assign the operation;
  • OAK. This analysis of the blood gives up to the definition of the inflammatory process in the body;
  • Coagulogram, which is a complex of studies for the witness of blood clotting. If the doctor prescribes blood-thinning medications, such as the studies carried out again.
The types of varicose veins in pregnancy

The types of varicose veins in pregnancy

It is worth mentioning that the varicose veins is different types. Consider the ones that most frequently occur in pregnant women:

  1. Varicose veins in the groin. When this form of the groin of the woman appear to be protruding veins, you feel the heaviness of this sector;
  2. Varicose veins of the uterus. This disease occurs because of a hereditary predisposition and the active work of the iliac veins. Still one of the reasons can become abortion, inflammatory processes, disruption of the menstrual cycle, etc.;
  3. Varicose veins vagina. This form is more common in pregnant women. Often the disease is suffering of a woman, her mother or grandmother had varicose veins on the legs;
  4. Varicose veins of the legs. This type is most common among the diseases of the veins.

Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy

The therapy of varicose veins during pregnancy has its phases, that desire to review more details:

Treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy

1. Compression textiles for the home – its application is the initial step for the treatment of diseases of the veins, and is also a good prevention of disease, and postoperative support. Compression socks aims to reduce the stagnation in the mainstream of the veins, which leads to a reduction of edema, unpleasant symptoms disappear, and the subsequent development of the disease is suspended. Compression garment is of various types, this can be tights, stockings or socks. These items are made in seamless technology, by applying elastic materials.

Mesh compression has a few classes of its kind. Linen for the house can be therapeutic, prophylactic, or from the hospital. The treatment and prevention of the model can be bought in a regular pharmacy, the package is always specified the degree of compression. Guidelines for the choice of clothing gives the doctor. Otherwise you can buy too weak, or conversely, too tight of linen for the home. Due to the effect of, if you will wear the shirt, from the morning until the evening. Take beautiful you need to lie in order to avoid sudden changes in blood pressure;

2. Venotonics – are drugs that act on vienna. Tonic on the vein is through this that diosmin increases the period of validity of norepinephrine in vienna. Norepinephrine increases the tone and density of the walls of the veins, has a vasoconstrictor effect and prevents the extension and eliminates congestion in the veins.

During pregnancy are allowed, the medicines with active ingredient – diosmin. They can only be used during the second quarter, and only after consulting your doctor. Similar drugs it is worth the stop to take a couple of weeks before the birth, to avoid the risk of heavy bleeding during childbirth;

3. As well as the medications you can take only from the second trimester of pregnancy, treatment should begin in the early stages of the development of varicose veins, can be used as a therapy and local medications in combination with compression underwear. During pregnancy, it is possible to use a pomade.

A great solution to relieve the unpleasant symptoms from varicose veins in pregnancy is a foot massage, that will take a qualified specialist. Movement in massage should be soft, the direction from the bottom to the top. If the application of gel and creams permission of a doctor, in combination with a massage will give the maximum positive effect.

Childbirth with varicose veins

Varicose veins on the legs is not a contraindication to pregnancy and to the birth of a child. A woman is only a little bit more responsible to refer to your health in this period. The doctor will ask you to methods of treatment and prevention of disease. A must question would be the delivery in, the doctor will consider the method of arrival of the child in the light, whether it is natural delivery or caesarean section. The doctor in the veins and gynecologist joined the discussions will be to the right conclusion.

If possible, all the forces the doctors insist on natural childbirth. Before the process of parturition on you will be wearing compression socks or roll-your-own foot elastic bandage. So the doctors exclude the chance of reverse mergers when blood potugah.

The course of the disease after giving birth

The course of the disease after giving birth

Many women are wondering if during pregnancy you have been diagnosed with varicose veins, that awaits them after the birth? The disease in the void, or will his aggravation? The exact answer to this question is no, and will not give his doctor.

Some women after childbirth completely forget about this nasty problem, like the varicose veins on the legs, while others continue to suffer from the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.


Everyone knows that in order to prevent the disease is much easier than cure. Precisely for this reason that every the fair sex is necessary to know the right way to make mistakes to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy.

In the case where you did not have the predisposition to this disease, do not spend all day on your feet, and not physically, the prevention of varicose veins will be more simple. Well, if all of the above is the attitude towards you, the prevention must be carried out with a double effort, because it is very effective methods of struggle with the disease. But do not forget that each pregnancy increases the risk of development of varicose veins.

As pregnant women to prevent varicose veins

As pregnant women to prevent varicose veins

Methods to prevent the development of varicose veins during pregnancy:

  • Try to walk more. Long walks in the open air will be you and your child only please. So you can enjoy a great workout for the calf muscles, which will improve the circulation of blood in the legs;
  • Another way to prevent the disease is swimming, which is not only physical activity, but also a gentle massage of the whole body. A beneficial effect of swimming will and spine pregnant, that is having a huge load and is useful to be in a state of relaxation;
  • A good solution will become a shower contrast. Look, for the temperature difference was not too large, otherwise it might become a good. It is necessary to start from his state and feelings;
  • Avoid high heels may not be higher than 3, see Shoes should not have elastic or closures that are pressure on the foot to worsen the circulation of the blood in it. The same applies to socks;
  • Test sometimes lie down with their arms raised towards the top of the legs. Place a soft cushion and are so for about 15 minutes;
  • Try to sleep on my left side. So there will be less pressure to macy's in vienna, is located on the right side. Put under the side of a small soft pillow for added comfort;
  • To make the prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy, and only for the general well-being, spread out the time of day when you will be lying down, sitting or standing. But this does not mean that it is necessary to stay on the couch for 10 hours straight or stay standing for several hours without moving;
  • Ever lay a foot on the second, when they are sitting, especially with regard to low seats;
  • Build your diet, which will be useful not only for veins but also for digestion in general.

For the prevention of varicose veins of the legs during pregnancy want to be attributed to prevention of sharp increase in the body weight. Keep track of what you eat and in what quantities. Not too lean on food in the evening hours.

There is a special gymnastics, which is designed for pregnant women who want to prevent varicose veins in the legs:

  1. Sit on a chair and lower the arms down. Climb on the breath, get in the exhalation;
  2. Go with the legs at shoulder width. Alternatively, start to lift your legs, bending the knees, the feet, as not to rip;
  3. Sit on a chair and follow the movement of the legs by rolling them up and the impeller;
  4. Stand up and gently begins to climb up and down on tip-toe and the back. Don't forget to breathe correctly;
  5. A little bit of walking first on tiptoe, then on heels. The same you do with the inside and the outside of the foot;
  6. Stand up, legs apart to the width of the shoulders and start to rotate the leg from the ankle to the calf, change the foot;
  7. After a program of exercises, turn on the music and a little dance. So you feel that the legs a rest, and the tension is past.