Causes and methods of treatment of varicose veins of the legs

Usually varicose veins affecting the lower limbs, can develop in the course of the years and even decades. Varicose veins (varicose veins) in the feet is always a violation of the functioning of the valves of the veins and blood circulation. The correct circulation of the blood characterized the movement of blood in the veins of the legs in the direction from the bottom to the top (back by the force of gravity. In many ways, this process is possible thanks to the work of the venous valves, which prevent backflow of blood. The irregularity of the operation of these valves lead to the rupture of the venous flow and therefore the traction of the veins. For this, in the veins the blood begins to flow in a chaotic way, often zastaivayas in the veins of the legs. Due to the emerging on this background of a significant pressure to the vascular wall do not stand up, swell, and flat out. When advanced vein the naked eye are visible under the skin in the form of nodes. Often, because of a slowdown of blood flow in the veins occurs thrombosis. Violation of the processes of the power supply to the covering of the skin leads to the appearance of venous ulcers.

The reasons for development of varicose veins on the legs a lot:

  1. Genetic predisposition (hereditary transmitted predisposition to the disease factors of congenital weakness of the venous wall and the valve unit, the loss of elasticity).
  2. The circulation on a background of constipation, wear a tight shoes, smoking, lack of physical activity.
  3. Hormonal drugs (pill monophasic with high doses of estrogen lead to thickening of the blood).
  4. The increase of pressure in the venous type, provocaverunt obesity, pregnancy, a sedentary lifestyle (sedentary work), the permanent vertical loads (workers, all day while standing).
  5. Hormonal changes in old age.

Data sources may also result in the pathological current of blood in the veins of the lower limbs – refluxus or the reflux of blood from the deep veins into the superficial veins. These same causes that contribute to the worsening of the disease in the future.

The symptoms of varicose veins on the legs

  • the extension of the subcutaneous veins;
  • a sensation of burning or heat in the movement of the veins of the lower limbs;
  • feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the lower limbs in the evening (the area of the feet, ankles, legs);
  • nocturnal cramps in the calf muscles;
  • browning and seals the skin of the legs;
  • pain in the movement of the veins;
  • sores.

Each patient has symptoms if varicose veins can be different, but the point remains the same – the feeling of heaviness in the legs, which is also called "the syndrome of heavy legs". Often symptomatic of a complex, more pronounced, in the evening, and even during the strong heat.

If the disease is running, the skin of the feet has become cyanotic hue, and the patient at this stage no treatment is not receiving, has not infrequently observed hyperpigmentation of the skin, and lipodermatosclerosis, and in more severe cases, you develop sores.

The danger is not from varicose veins, the evolution and in the background a complication thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the inner wall of the vein), leading to the formation of blood clots. Blood clots often overlap the lumen of the vein (phlebothrombosis), and may even break off and fall into the easy. In consequence of the serious complications of varicose veins among patients is observed the death.

The diagnosis of varicose veins on the legs

When it is detected the same symptoms above-mentioned, or at least of some of them, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor phlebologist or sosudistomu surgeon. The timeliness of detection of the disease depends on the treatment and prevention of complications.

For the diagnosis of varicose veins prescribed the following tests. the diagnosis of varicose veins

  1. ULTRASOUND of the veins or duplex assessment of patency and extension of the veins, the direction of the current of the blood, as well as the determination of the presence of blood clots in veins.
  2. Contrast venography – an assessment of the state of the veins, the determination of the presence of tumors and blood clots through re-create the exact "footprint" of the veins of the patient to x-rays. Usually this method is replaced with the ULTRASOUND, since the latter is considered to be the easiest to implement.

When it is necessary to contact a doctor immediately

If the following symptoms trip to the doctor should be immediate:

  1. The acute onset of pain in the lower limbs throughout the movement. When the foot with the mind bloated and very dense, the skin as if it were on.
  2. Sensation of weakness, accompanied by shortness of breath, feeling of lack of oxygen.
  3. Of the affected by the disease and the vienna beginning to drip blood.

Treatment of varicose veins on the legs

Methods of treatment of the conservative of varicose veins.

Non-surgical method of treatment applies in the initial phase of the development of the disease, when there are no complications. Conservative methods include the reception of specialized drugs (angioprotectors, anticoagulants, venotoniki, anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets, ointments and gels), which can help to relieve the feeling of pain and the prevention of complications.

Great importance in the therapy of varicose veins is the recovery of the tone of the walls of the blood vessels. This can be accomplished with the help of special funds. Home remedy manufacturer contains no dyes, has a wrap of the film, without preservatives, that's why the active ingredient diosmin absorbed more quickly, reducing to a minimum the risk of manifestations of allergic reactions.

Non-invasive treatment of varicose veins provides also, wearing underwear compression, the observance of a special diet, a systematic treatment (complex exercises).

These measures reduce venous insufficiency, preventing the development of thrombophlebitis. Subsequently, the doctor also from the above measures of treatment of varicose veins can assign a manual transmission, or hardware lymphatic drainage treatments improve the flow of blood from the lower extremities, reducing swelling. The effect of the treatment is not permanent.

Treatment of varicose veins things.

Treatment of the leech is quite effective to combat varicose veins. By penetrating inside the area affected by the disease of vienna, the saliva of leeches, thanks to the content in it hirudin (natural heparin), promoting liquefactionibus the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots. Today, on the basis of hirudin created medicines, thanks to which "contact with the leeching" can be avoided. leech

Modern bezoperatsionnye methods of treatment of varicose veins in the legs.

The sclerotherapy.

Sclerotherapy is the most effective method of non-surgical treatment of varicose veins. During the procedure, the lumen of the diseased vessel, the doctor inserts a special drug, the caller bonding of its walls, and in the future (for 1.5 years) their reabsorption. Normal therapeutic cycle in the stage of varicose veins includes from 3 to 6 procedures to be followed for each leg. The result will be visible after 2 to 8 weeks, during which can occur, pain, hematoma, a slight tingling, which gradually take place. The drug in each case is individual, therefore the risk of complications is minimal. During the treatment, the patient must wear compression stockings.

The efficacy in the treatment of sclerotherapy of varicose veins can be compared with the classical surgery, the lower has only the most modern techniques - endovenous laser coagulation, which causes the appearance of "foam form" (foam) sclerotherapy, but also to perform the procedure under control of ULTRASOUND or translyuministsentnoy lamp. All this has sometimes reduced the amount of side effects.

Sclerotherapy can also be performed with the use of the ultrasound scanner, then the procedure is called echosclerotherapy. The use of the scanner gives the possibility to the physician to fully control the movement of the needle in the vein and the distribution of the drug.

If the drug is injected in the amended vienna in the form of micro-foam, the procedure is called the " foam-form sclerotherapy. Due to a closer contact micro-foam with the walls of the venous method has high efficiency. By moving the blood from a vessel, the microfoam favors a more fast bonding and locking functions.

endovasal or endovenous laser coagulation.

One of the modern and less traumatic ways for the treatment of varicose veins on the legs. The impact of the laser beam on the affected vein is performed under local anesthesia. Visible results after a month after the procedure. The method is quite expensive.

The pharmacological therapy of varicose veins on the legs beautifully complement folk remedies, which not only increase the tone and elasticity of the vein wall, but also prevent the further development of the disease. Recipes of traditional medicine with regular use helps to treat very run of cases of the disease (ulcers on the skin, thrombosis).

Before doing the treatment, it is important to identify the cause of the disease by contacting your doctor, do not tighten it too much and don't wait for complications (ulcers on the skin, thrombosis, and begin treatment as soon as possible, while the thickness of the veins on the surface, has not exceeded 5 mm, and the nodes that are not more than 7 mm. During the course of the therapy it is recommended to wear shoes and clothes, not restrict movement, giving up-to-heavy physical activity, and from the habit to throw the legs. ulcers on the skin,

The modern operative techniques (surgical) treatment of varicose veins on the legs

In the absence of a desired outcome because of a conservative treatment of varicose veins need surgery. The operation is a radical method of treatment of the disease, during which takes place the removal changed to vienna. Today it is done under tumescent anesthesia (local anesthesia from a natural mixture of anesthetics). The advantages of the method is that the patient can leave the clinic two hours after the surgery, hematomas, postoperative, easier to bear, no intoxication, such as during the conduct of operations under general anaesthesia.

Flebectomia – through the proper holes is removed modified disease of the veins with the objective to normalize the flow of blood to the deep veins. The operation, in some cases, it is preferable to sclerotherapy. Among the advantages we observe a rapid recovery of the patient, small scars, obtained the effect persists for years.

Short of stripping – removal of only the modified phase of vienna through two small incisions. In advance, which determines the position and the length of the affected vein. With this method, the soft tissues of the patient are not affected, we observed a fast recovery, no pain after the surgery.

Endoscopic dissectione veins - with this method, the doctor, with the aid of small dimensions able to avoid vienna introduces the endoscope, which gives the possibility to obtain data about the internal state of the varicose vein, the length of the affected area, and with an accuracy of control of his actions during the trace phase of vienna, while minimizing the trauma.

The prevention of varicose veins in the legs

  1. The limit for the sauna, the adoption of hot baths, prolonged exposure to the sun (all of this results in loss of tone and stagnation of blood).
  2. More physical activity (moderate running, swimming, hiking, aerobics, cycling, skiing).
  3. Control their weight.
  4. The refusal by a tight, tight clothes, and the straight and narrow shoes.
  5. Get rid of habits to sit "foot to foot".
  6. Avoid constipation (eat properly, follow the mode of drinking).
  7. Evenly distribute the load on the legs (do not sit or not to remain long in the same position).
  8. Emotional shower and cold shower in the legs.
  9. Wear underwear compression at-risk persons (pregnant women with a hereditary predisposition, people who have a sedentary job, or whose work is associated with serious physical workloads or the need to spend all day on your feet).
  10. Therapeutic exercise.

During the treatment of varicose veins or any type of physical exercise are forbidden, only for the purpose of prevention.

Diet in varicose veins

  1. Limitation salty, spicy and smoked food.
  2. The abstinence from alcohol.
  3. Restriction of meat products.
  4. The enrichment of the diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, products, help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels (carrots, olive oil, walnuts, rosehips, green tea, sprouted grain wheat, legumes, green onion).
  5. The daily intake of apple cider vinegar (in a glass of water 2 teaspoons).

When is detected the first signs of varicose veins immediately consult a specialist. The people belonging to the risk group (those who have predisposing factors), and who have a genetic predisposition to varicose disease is recommended once in two years to attend the phlebologist with the obligation to perform the ultrasound.