Varicose veins: their modern treatment techniques. Myths and facts

The wide spread of the diseases has generated a lot of speculation on this issue. We promise painless and quick liberation of varicose veins once and for all. In this article: the modern methods of treatment of varicose veins, promotional promises and the facts, the test of the predisposition to the disease.

To cope with varicose veins, you must understand that the greatest danger in its complications. To him bring advanced and the superficial veins that have lost their initial function and represent a threat to life.

Elongated vienna will not be in the normal state and does not disappear with the help of pills, ointments, herbs, and even more conspiracies and other conventional treatments.

A full recovery from varicose veins is only possible during the resolution of the varices and venous drains. Some of the methods of alternative medicine may provide only the prevention of the disease, relieve pain, slow the progression of varicose veins.

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Modern medicine and vascular surgery, which today are the only cure, and with effective courtesy and the readiness of the ways of treatment. But let's go with order.

treatment of varicose veins

With the intake of internal medicines, it is possible to get rid of varicose veins forever

A matter of fact. Modern pharmaceutical market offers wide selection of drugs. All have similar substance (flavonoids plants), and many of the low efficacy and side effects. A tonic for the veins will not save you from varicose veins, but the severity, swelling and nocturnal cramps and can.

Creams and gels to heal the varicose veins

A matter of fact. The sellers and the producers promise to advertising of high efficiency, but we must understand that the gels and creams do not eliminate the varicose veins. The rubbing helps the venous outflow, acts as a gentle massage and has a calming effect on the skin in the initial stage of the disease.

When varicose veins are launched, some creams and ointments can cause dermatitis, and allergies, that aggravate the problem. Thrombophlebitis it is prescribed the application of heparin, funds, blood thinners and improves the removal of inflammation.

Thanks to the active advertising enjoy great popularity gels and creams with leeching. According to doctors, these shamanic products have nothing to leeches, neither to the drugs. A waste of money and time, has put the self-hypnosis.

Leeches heal varicose veins

A matter of fact. The saliva of leeches rich hirudin that thins the blood. This fact represents the main time, because the people uninformed use of leeches in varicose veins, under the guise of thrombophlebitis.

The liquefaction of the blood does not affect varicose veins, the cause of which is the increase in the level and the failure of the valves. Of the danger it represents such processing, in silence.

The result hirudotherapy may become pigmentation of the skin on the place of bites, long bleeding of the wounds. This in the best of cases. In the worst cases develop dermatitis, limfostazom, PHLEBOTHROMBOSIS, and even gangrene of the limb.

In the composition of the saliva of leeches and a lot of allergens in the degree of chronic venous stagnation cause inflammatory-allergic reactions, destroy the skin and aggravating varicose veins.

Phlebology recognize such a treatment is pure quackery, dangerous to the health of the patient. Hirudotherapy particularly contraindicated venous leg ulcers.

Compression socks eliminates the cause of varicose veins and the disease itself

A matter of fact. Application elastic medical compression shown in the early stages of the disease to radical measures. The squeezing of the extended varicose veins of the veins, promotes the redistribution of blood flow from external concerned with the deep veins, eliminates the stagnation of blood in the veins.

When the elastic compression does not solve the cause of the disease, but only simulates the situation when the vein of "covered" or removed. Choose the right size and recommend wears can only Phlebology.

Methods of treatment of varicose veins

In our days, methods of treatment of varicose veins the most simple and almost all of them play in outpatient settings, and if they require hospitalization, and only for one or two days. The main types of treatment: sclerotherapy, laser coagulation, radiofrequency ablation, surgical operations.

Experts are often used different methods than in the past. Consider the most common, their pros and cons.



This non-surgical method of removing the patients veins. In a container is introduced sklerozant, special liquid formulation that hill vienna from the inside, that with time disappears. The blood stops flowing in the affected area, and redistributed to the veins healthy.

The hardening was used at the beginning of the last century, currently the procedure is less dangerous and traumatic. Sklerozant is introduced into the vein sick, with the help of thin needles or microcatheters. A session can take up to 4 injections, and the number of sessions depends on the degree of severity of the disease.

After the injection of the drug on the leg of the patient wears compression socks, we recommend walking (up to 5 hours), to prevent thrombosis deep veins. Elastic compression should be worn during the entire treatment cycle and at its end (up to 4 weeks).

Sclerotherapy improves the circulation of the blood, advanced ships disappear, pass bloating, pain, cramps, and fatigue. Stains that occur above deleted of vienna, with the time passing by.

Sclerotherapy includes:

  • Directly sclerotherapy,
  • ECHO-sclerotherapy (sklerozant introduced in the sign, thanks to ultrasound, which allows you to see the venous earth),
  • Foam-form sclerotherapy. Sklerozant turns into foam, inserted in a pot, which allows you to "seal" tightly also the large veins.

Sclerotherapy ensures long-lasting curative and cosmetic direct, and in some cases for whole life. Only 25% of patients who are running the varicose veins can not count on a full recovery. During this manifestation of the disease have greatly reduced.


  • Aversion to sklerozant.
  • Intake of anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs.
  • The excess weight.
  • Launched the cellulite in the affected area veins.
  • Inflammatory-purulent disease of the skin of the feet.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Thrombophlebitis.


  • Outpatient treatment allows you to save usual lifestyle.
  • Cosmetic effect is evident, the scars does not remain.
  • A minimum sensation of pain during the treatment.
  • You can also correct some of the strands.


No lifetime warranty of the result. To achieve that, you need to start the treatment with the resolution of the causes of the appearance of varicose veins.

Service to wear compression stockings, you can shoot for a short period of time for the sanitation procedures.

Laser treatment —

Laser treatment — "office surgery"

Coagulation — laser treatment of varicose veins of the varicose veins by closing down to their level. Is the latest development of German professionals and is called intravenous (intravascular) or endovasal coagulation (EVLT or EVLT). Currently widely used in clinical leaders in Russia and abroad.

When EVLT is happening in "champagne" (obliteration) damaged veins using high-energy lasers, without cuts. For the registration of laser exposure from the inside, injected into a vein a special fiber through the puncture, occurs a spasm of vienna, the light inside her closed. Vienna is excluded from the blood flow, and is subsequently replaced by connective tissue.

The impact is not EVLK on the veins higher compared to sclerotherapy, and allows you to achieve an effect equivalent to the classical removal of the veins.

Intravascular coagulation is recognized as the most minus traumatic and operating modern way to eliminate varicose veins.

The minimum time for the operation (about 40 minutes) and the recovery after her (up to 4 hours), local anesthesia — all of these factors have allowed him to appoint the laser treatment "office surgery". The patient after the procedure can leave the clinic alone and return to the place of work.


Intravascular obliteration with laser — a worthy alternative to surgical intervention:

  • The cosmetic effect — during operation do not present cuts.
  • The brevity EVLT – this procedure does not require more than an hour.
  • Quick recovery, which gives the possibility not to stop the work activity.
  • Laser coagulation is controlled to the testimony of an ULTRASOUND scan, which improves the quality of treatment, postoperative complications reduced to a minimum.
  • The lack of bruises and bruises.


  • The cost of the operation is very high
  • The large diameter of the vein does not allow you to do less cuts.
  • Vienna is of a large diameter, can collapse after and return.

VNUS. Radiofrequency ablation

The new method has been developed by the international scientific community, with the goal of finding the perfect instrument from varicose veins of the legs. In North America and Europe the technique is practiced by more than 10 years, in Russia, put into practice large clinics recently.

VNUS — endovasal method used to treat the affected varicose veins trunk of the large veins. In the sting is introduced rf catheter, "medicandi" vienna with the help of the microwave exposure. The catheter is equipped with sensors that measure the utility and effectiveness of the heat impact on the venous walls.


  • Outpatient conditions.
  • The local anesthesia.
  • The conservation of the disability.
  • Without the cuts.
  • The rapid recovery of the patient (30 minutes after the intervention). After a week it is possible to practice sports.
  • The lack of pain and bruising in most cases.
  • High-security.


  • The cost is high.
  • Can occur burns, which pass quickly.
  • Lack of concentration on the day of surgery (you cannot drive a car and engage in other activities, that requires constant concentration).

In the UNITED states radiofrequency ablation, applied a lot less than laser coagulation. This is due to the high cost to almost equal results. Coagulation gives me a better percentage of complete disappearance of the veins through the introduction of a new generation of laser, ensuring the highest efficiency and the absence of hematomas.

Radical methods

When you see thrombophlebitis, eczema, trophic ulcers sclerotherapy and others bezoperatsionnye procedure to do later. In this case the doctors, probably, do not resort to surgical techniques, in combination with sclerotherapy.

Many clinics offer high-tech microsurgery methods of removal of patients veins, that minus traumatic (to enable a small incision to remove the whole of the vein sick), do not leave scars and scars, short-term (after 40 minutes, the patient can go home).

According to phlebology, fear of removal of the diseased veins is not worth. Overflowing with the blood of the vein pose a serious threat to health and life. After their elimination, the circulation of the blood is normal, with the veins healthy remove the excess load.

In the end of the article modern methods of treatment of varicose veins and want to offer the Test. The answers to the questions do not occupy more than 5 minutes of your time, but will allow you to identify the symptoms of varicose veins of the legs and your risk level.