The operation on the veins on the legs – for a full list of methods

In these situations, the physician is not asked to simply remove the affected area of the superficial veins. And the first is, the better, because the delay is fraught with the development of serious complications.

the operation in vienna

Dangerous if the operation for the removal of varicose veins on the legs, what are the methods of struggle with the disease, and how much for one or the other procedure veins removal varicose veins – all of the latest information in our material.


Usually, varicose veins tap the subcutaneous veins of the lower limbs. The blood is acting the same laws of physics, as any liquid on the planet under the force of gravity is pointing downwards.

But the characteristic of the functioning of the cardiovascular system is the blood to constantly move and had all the vital organs.

Stagnate in the superficial veins of the legs and other limbs does not allow the operation of special valves.

Exactly the insufficiency of the past becomes the cause of the discharge of blood in the thin subcutaneous veins, the walls of which gradually lose their tone, more thin and elongated.

Unfortunately, return highly advanced surface veins look the same as before, it is not possible, even when you restore the functions of the valves.

Their failure may be the main cause of varicose veins, and the consequence of certain states of the body.

Risk factors:

  • pregnancy, more specifically, relates to the increase in the volume of blood in the body of the future mother, and also an increase in the pressure on the veins of the legs on the part of the uterus with a fruit;
  • long walk – this applies to those whose business involves new and prolonged static standing (surgeons, teachers, hair stylists, etc.);
  • "sit-in" work – basically the same thing that is permanent in the foot. Toning the muscles and veins in the body decreased, the blood stagnates in the legs, the valves stop working;
  • the greater the stress on the legs – it reflects on the degree of veins, just like the two previous factors;
  • obesity – being overweight greatly increases the workload on the heart, blood vessels and vienna. In addition, a large layer of subcutaneous fat often makes it difficult to diagnosis of varicose veins;
  • age-related changes – with time, the venous walls and valves weaken, lose their tone, and stretched;
  • Accompanies constipation, prostate adenoma, chronic cough, and becomes the cause of hemorrhoids and varicocele;
  • the consequences of accidents, the reviews confirm that is a thing that happens often, and the operations at the level of the lower limbs;
  • venous thrombosis deep – not superficial, as erroneously considered by many to be sick, that is to say deep, the pressure increases, and the blood flowing in subcutaneous veins;
  • genetic disease, for example, arterial-venous fistulas, or fistulas;
  • beauty treatments – vacuum enclosure, aggressive massage;
  • the excessive exercise.


When ointments, pills, and special compression garment powerless, the only solution is for the exclusion from the venous system of the legs, the affected varicose veins stages.

The choice of the type of intervention depends on the degree of the form and stage of the disease, the presence of state changes of the skin and its diseases.

Flebectomia (TOP-5-technical)

This is the classic method that involves the removal of the extended fields of the veins through incisions in the skin. Flebectomia practiced since the beginning of the 20th century, and at this point, the technique of carrying out brought almost to perfection.

The entire procedure lasts from 1 to 2 hours and does not require a long period of patient's stay in hospital (maximum – within the same day).

In most cases, the doctor holds the combined procedure, i.e. using a number of different techniques:

  1. Stripping – extraction of vienna after its ligation, and fixed with a special tool. Partial stripping involves the partial removal and total – total. This kind of removal of the veins of the legs is considered to be special, because all of the operations are conducted through a small incision in the skin, so that it is not necessary to produce the suture.
  2. Micro-flebectomia – different from the traditional one, which is done through the punctures, that is, without cutting the tissues.
  3. Endoscopic procedure the advanced phase is removed after injection in the portal vein endoscope, which minimizes the potential for complications after surgery.

The hardening

In the lumen advanced stage is introduced with a special substance that strengthens the inner walls of vienna, and later becomes scar tissue. Sclerotherapy is used for treating not only varicose veins, but, and varicocele.

Laser coagulation

Operations on the veins on the legs laser is carried out without cutting of the soft tissues. Vienna is not necessary to pull simply "sealed" special laser fiber, inserted through a small puncture.

Many positive reviews on the operations on the veins of the legs laser testify to the minimum probability of occurrence of negative effects of relapse of varicose veins, it is true, depends on its initial phase and causes.

In addition, the patient already after a couple of hours after the procedure can go home, because the epidural is not necessary.

Doctors stress that when exposed to the laser beam is not excluded to add in the body of the infection.

Lasers are used for the treatment of small veins from the medical point of view, for example, as telangiectasia, small veins up to 1 mm diameter.

Often requires several stages of treatment. This method is less effective in the treatment of large varicose veins in the later stages.


Dr. obligatorily assign one or the other type of operation on the veins on the legs in the following situations:

  • varicose veins in a state of abandonment, that is, in addition to the aesthetic problem, " a man in a large extent hassle the pain sensation;
  • the movement of blood in the veins is hampered, and the patient permanently feel the heaviness and pain in the legs, excessive fatigue;
  • vienna pathological enlarged;
  • on the skin are available to defeat a trophic character (for example, ulcers healed);
  • passionate handicap thrombophlebitis;
  • severe swelling of the limbs;
  • violation of the outflow of blood, takes place also in case of lack of extended superficial veins.

If you have a predisposition to varicose veins or the patient is at risk, it is necessary to carry out the prevention:

  1. wear a compression garment;
  2. use of drugs;
  3. the daily use of vitamin c, in sufficient quantity have a positive effect on the vascular wall and rheological characteristics of the blood.


Unfortunately, even if the variety of the modern techniques of treatment of varicose veins, the procedures for the removal of pathological extended fields of the veins have a series of contraindications:

  • hypertension;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • a severe form of infectious diseases;
  • the presence on the skin, eczema, erysipelas inflammation or dermatitis;
  • the gestation period from the 5th to the 9th of the month.


preparation for the intervention

The doctor, before assigning a surgery, should send the patient to the passage of the diagnostic, after that take a decision in line with the results of the test:

  • Doppler – ULTRASOUND of the veins and of the blood vessels;
  • duplex – a more detailed test, is also indicated to exclude the presence of blood clots in the deep veins;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the procedure – the test can give information about the presence of blood clots in the deep veins;
  • blood tests – laboratory tests do not help in the diagnosis of varicose veins, but they are necessary, if you have to do the operation.

Immediately before the procedure, the patient must:

  1. take a shower;
  2. remove the hair in question with the legs (if necessary also in the groin area);
  3. come a little before the appointed time.

In the case of conduct classical operation, which involves general anesthesia, the patient has put an enema.

It is extremely important for the anesthesiologist was alerted to the presence of a person allergic to any medicine.

Varicose veins it is necessary to operate! With the method of surgical treatment will help the vascular surgeon. If there is any danger in the event of a refusal to use? Definitely! Lethal complication of varicose vein disease – thromboembolism blood to vital organs of the body, stroke, thrombosis. The risk of complications increases with age.

All the invasive techniques of treatment of varicose veins will help get rid of extended subcutaneous veins, and accompany their painful feelings. But we must understand that the duration of the effect after the elimination of aesthetic defects depends on many factors, among which a special role is played the legacy and style of life.

It is necessary to keep the muscles and the walls of the blood vessels in good shape for the arts does not stagnate the blood, and also try to keep the weight in the norm, wear comfortable shoes and leave the bad habits.