What is varicose veins of the uterus - causes, symptoms and treatment

The main problem of the disease is that it is extremely difficult to diagnose. Very often confusion, when the results of the research indicate the presence of problems with the basin.

varicose veins of the uterus

Who is in the main area at risk? In the first place is women of reproductive age. In rare cases, the disease is concerned about teenagers. And older to increase to meet this disease is even more rare. But in any case, there is no need to think that this is a problem you can't touch it.

The main causes of

In the majority of cases, the disease occurs because of abundant and long-lasting inflammatory processes. In any case, it is possible to discard an ill-fated pregnancy. If you have gone through the abortion, then you also are at greater risk. So it is necessary to consult a doctor. Tell you in detail, what is the infamous varicose veins of the uterus, how to deal with it.

A particular problem can be that of the ovary vienna. You can get in the blood, which leads to this disorder. Don't forget that special damage can bring the drugs. The more new, the side effect is still not fully understood. Particularly harmful hormonal funds. Preparation also, you must not deny.

The symptoms

Their particularly important to know, in case you do not postpone the visit to a specialist. The first and most important symptom is severe pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes they are so strong, that leads to the complete loss of integrity. Occurs in considerable discomfort after sexual intercourse or even during it. The menstrual cycle is broken, it has a small amount of secretions.

It is necessary to note, that to define varicose veins of the uterus is difficult, the symptoms are similar to many gynecological diseases. Here, in no case can guess.

Only a complete ULTRASOUND examination with modern equipment allows to make a diagnosis and take another solution.

There are more explicit, the reasons for which you should consult a specialist. In particular, convulsions. Particularly dangerous, if they are accompanied by swelling. Feels irritation in legs in the evening, returning from work? You suffer from the discomfort constant? Then at least for the prevention necessarily a visit for the quality of specialist.

Difficulties during pregnancy

Of course, varicose veins of the uterus during pregnancy is not so common. But after each conception, the situation is complicated. Together with the term increases the risk. In this case, not only for the workers but also for the baby. What difficulties can arise?

  1. Placental insufficiency.
  2. Thrombophlebitis.
  3. The venous thrombosis.
  4. It is often necessary to do a caesarean.

You can summarize all that has been said, however, that the treatment during pregnancy is complicated sometimes. This mother of the disease requires a constant monitoring you phlebologist. It is very likely you will say that in your case, if you are pregnant, the treatment will be ineffective. In this case, the doctor will have to produce at least a symptomatic therapy. What is it? Specialist can not cope with the underlying disease. Then it should at least reduce to zero its main symptoms.

And how to cure varicose veins of the uterus outside of pregnancy? In this case, there are several basic techniques. Are chosen according to the needs of the patient. We examine this in more detail.

  1. The conservative therapy. In this case, you need to take medications that aim to mitigate the veins. Are important drugs against allergies. In this complex also includes physiotherapy, medical gymnastics.
  2. It is sometimes impossible to do without a surgical intervention. Modern technologies allow to do everything as quickly as possible. Specific techniques vary depending on the state of the patient, the degree of negligence of the disease.

For the people of plants

They are also sometimes help to treat varicose veins. Has already been developed the list of drugs that should take inside.

  1. In the first place, you have to look at the configuration of the horse chestnut.
  2. Be sure to try to take an infusion of heady cones.
  3. The ideal mixture of various herbal medicines. This can be the st. john's wort, horsetail, marigold and some of the others. Buy everything you can for almost any great the market.
  4. Try apple cider vinegar. Dilute a couple of teaspoons to a glass of water.

But we must understand that much depends on what stage is the disease. If it is only in germ, the very effective remedies.

The main tools of prevention

In the first place, you need to take responsibility for their health. If you have noticed some change in the uterus, it is necessary to immediately consult a gynecologist. He will be able to literally after a couple of questions to determine what are the problems, establish a plan of action.

In any case, you can create to appoint a hormonal drugs. Only in small doses and after consultation with a qualified doctor. During the first pregnancy you need to avoid stress, so that permanent inspections. All the more so that now a large variety of diagnostic centers, giving live literally in the space of an hour.

Important moderate exercise. Severe sports activities only worsen the situation. But the physical culture, dance classes, swimming, yoga — all of this leads to the fact that your immune system in this disease significantly increases.

Analysis of blood and urine must be taken into account in the framework of prevention. In particular, if the blood is evil, that is a clear sign of varicose veins. It only remains to define the place where it is. Perhaps everyone knows that the proper diet will allow you to get rid of many problems. In particular, it is possible to increase your chances of a healthy future, by eliminating from their diet too much fat and spicy products. Consume more of fruits, vegetables. Don't forget the restrictions in the sahara. Particularly dangerous white. And all the dishes that contain in large quantities. Now you know all of the varicose veins in the uterus and its attention to detail.