The symptoms of varicose veins pelvic, and prevention measures

Varicose veins pelvic syndrome or chronic pelvic pain is still exotic disease with indistinct borders for many doctors.

This explains the fact that some of the doctors for a long time "not aware" of this disease in their patients, while others have put this diagnosis, almost every second person suffers from constant unexplained pain in the lower abdomen.

In the meantime, by a timely detection varicosity of the pelvic veins depends largely on the quality of life of the patient, his ability to enjoy the intimate side relationship with a loved one and the possibility to continue the species.

The phenomenon of chronic pelvic pain is known, doctors already for a long time. But only recently has become famous most likely the reason for its – varicose veins pelvic. This disease was described for the first time in 1975 and up to now it has been studied quite well.

varicose veins the pelvic

More likely that this disease develops according to the following algorithm:

  1. Venous plexus the pelvic complex is the training, which includes both the large trunks of the vascular, and apart from their smaller than vienna. With this the venous system pelvic of men and women, stands out for its structure, which determines sexual specific disease – much more common is the fairer sex.
  2. Because of the constriction of the blood vessels, total or partial blockage in venous blood circulation, changes in the tone of the vascular wall is broken, the outflow of blood from the deep veins pelvic.
  3. In consequence of the vienna cease to perform their functions in full: progresses insufficiency of the venous valves , and disturbed the normal flow of blood.
  4. In pelvic veins start the congestion associated with the reverse regurgitation of blood in the vessels – this causes varicose veins and the development of varicosity.
The symptoms of varicose veins (varicosity) of veins inside the pelvic organs significantly more common in women of reproductive age, than in men. When this often suffer from the veins of the ovaries – in 85% of cases.

The main symptom is pain, which registers more than 90% of patients. But the prevalence of the disease among the population still is not clear: according to several studies, ranging from 6 up to 80%. A big difference in the "witness" says only insufficient qualification of doctors-diagnostic for a diagnosis.

Causes and risk factors

Causes pelvic varicosity are any changes in the body, which can cause the launch of a pathological mechanism of this disease:

Anatomical-physiological reason varicosity What can cause this
Mechanical pressure on the pelvic veins
  • the inguinal hernia
  • the tumor in the pelvis
  • the increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity due to constipation
  • pregnancy and childbirth
  • gynecological diseases (curvature of the uterus, ovarian cysts)
The change of vascular tone
  • connective tissue diseases, and in particular its high-grade dysplasia
  • congestion in the vessels of the pelvis, related to defective sexual life
  • the hereditary predisposition, and congenital weakness of the venous walls
Obstruction of the veins of the pelvis
  • the long-term use of oral contraceptives
  • the propensity to thrombosis
varicose veins pelvic symptoms

Risk factors varicosity of the basin are:

  • the hard, physical work;
  • it is not sufficient to adjust or unsatisfactory sexual life;
  • abuse in intimate life, discontinued sexual intercourse;
  • a large number of pregnancies and births;
  • frequent gynecological diseases;
  • contraception with the help of hormonal drugs;
  • hormonal disorder in the body;
  • the lack of physical exercise.

The classification and the stage of varicosity

In a medical environment accepted the conventional division varicosity basin nature current to varicosity veins in the groin and external genitalia (for example, lips) and the syndrome venous plethoras pelvic. This classification has a great practical value, because in most cases the patients are experiencing both of these forms at the same time, causing the appearance of a friend of a friend.

You can also meet the classification of the disease because of the source of its appearance. In this regard, varicosity basin are divided into:

  • primary – caused by a malfunction of the venous valves;
  • secondary – develops as a complication available inflammatory diseases, gynecological diseases or cancer diseases of the internal organs.

There is also an attempt of classification of the disease based on the severity of the disease. In this regard, distinguish 3 phases of pelvic varicosity:

Stage Characteristics the affected veins
the diameter (in mm) location
The first less than 5 any pelvic venous plexus
The second from 6 to 10 the ovaries or of the uterus
The third more than 10 the total defeat of the veins of the pelvis

How dangerous is it and if there will be consequences

This type of vascular pathology can not be called a fatal disease. In the time identified, that is well-suited doctor correction. But the problem is that to find out that it is not so simple. In this play their role, and the lack of research of the disease, and the lack of knowledge of the majority of doctors-diagnostic.

varicose veins the pelvis of dangerous

It turns out that the patients for years, are suffering from this disease, also do not know. And in their body, and in the meantime there is a series of irreversible changes:

  • varicosity progresses, in the pathological process are included the adjacent areas – appears to be varicose of the reproductive organs (for example, varicosity of the penis), perineum and lower limbs.
  • It appears the persistent dysfunction of the inner genitals, which can lead to infertility or inability to bear the pregnancy in women.
  • In the background of the pain to develop the various psychoemotional violations of the type of neurasthenia.
  • Because of chronic pain, increasing during times of intimacy, the man can not give up the sex.
  • The most rare and at the same time more serious complications pelvic varicosity considered venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. They occur in approximately 5% of cases, but always deadly.

The symptoms

The characteristic symptoms of varicose veins and vessels, the pelvic, which require the treatment of a doctor for treatment, include:

  • The chronic pain. The pain is often localized to the lower abdomen, sometimes a "loss" in the groin and lower back. Have intensified during the second half of the menstrual cycle in women, after intercourse, or prolonged, standing.
  • Selection from the genital tract. This is the typically "female" symptom. In this selection are common to vista and do not have an abnormal smell. Sick of worrying, just an unusually high number.
  • The external signs of diseases from cardiovascular asterisk or the strengthening of the design on the sides, in the perineal area – occurs in approximately half of the patients. In men, it can be observed a slight varicose veins on the penis.
  • Menstrual cycle disorders in women and disorders of urination in patients of both sexes is rare and indicates the running form of the disease.

When to seek medical advice and to whom?

The opportunity to contact a doctor can become any of these symptoms. Procrastination when this is not possible, because in order to understand the real causes of the discomfort and the appointment of an effective treatment will require a lot of time.

Profile expert of this disease is a doctor-flebologo, but for women, perhaps the first visit to the gynecologist, who assured in the absence of concomitant gynecological diseases.
varicose veins pelvic diagnostic


According to the american researchers, at the beginning of the years 2000, only 2% of patients with varicosity basin initially placed the correct diagnosis. Sometimes, the consequence of diagnostic error has become removal детородных organs of the woman, even if this could have been avoided, if they were used as the most accurate diagnostic techniques pelvic varicosity:

  • ULTRASOUND and the Doppler search of veins – gives you the ability to suspect varicosity;
  • Phlebography – invasive to the research, which allows to determine with accuracy the presence and degree of disease;
  • Laparoscopy – it is essential for the differential diagnosis of varicosity pelvic similar symptoms of gynecological diseases (endometriosis, fibroids, colpitis).
  • Selective variography – the study of the state of the veins with the introduction of contrast medium, is considered to be the most objective diagnostic method.
  • Computerized or magnetic resonance imaging allows you to specify the details of the incidence of the disease and to distinguish it from other pathologies with similar symptomatology (disease of the joints, Crohn's disease, etc).

Methods of treatment

During the treatment varicosity the basin are put on the following activities:

  • normalize the tone of the blood vessels;
  • improve the nutrition of the tissues;
  • avoid the congestion and possible complications.

Treatment varicosity vessels pelvic can go on most fronts, with the surgery is required only in the 3 stages of the disease.

Therapeutic direction Specific activities
The therapy without medication
  • regular therapeutic exercise
  • diet
  • contrast treatments
  • wear during varicosity compression underwear and socks
  • hirudotherapy
Medical therapy
  • relief from the pain nonsteroid anti-inflammatory means
  • the appointment of drugs to keep venomous (phlebotonics, angioprotectors)
  • the use of drugs to improve the microcirculation of the blood (Pentoxifylline)
  • hormone therapy, if necessary, the correction of hormonal
  • symptomatic treatment of concomitant diseases
  • sclerotherapy – the method is optimal with the minimum number of complications
  • phlebectomy – intersection, and ligation vein of plexuses
  • laser or radiofrequency coagulation – modern minimal psidium method
Treatment popular ways the use of herbal remedia on the basis of dandelion, chagas, and horse chestnut
varicose veins pelvic, prevention methods

Predictions and prevention measures

Completely cure the varicose veins pelvic without surgery is almost impossible. With the help of medicine conservative can significantly relieve and even eliminate most of the unpleasant symptoms , and significantly reduce the risk of complications of the disease. The operation, moreover, does not give an absolute guarantee that the disease will not return.

To avoid the relapse of the disease must always follow the correct life style:

  • do not smoke;
  • do not take hormonal drugs in an uncontrolled manner;
  • move more, and less to stand motionless;
  • respect antisclerotic diet with lots of fresh vegetable food;
  • perform daily complex treatment for gymnastics and breathing exercises to maintain the health of the blood vessels;
  • after the surgery on varicosity, it is necessary to wear compression stockings and take the doses prophylactic assigned medical drugs-venotonics.

Pelvic varicosity – hidden beach women's health, a kind of disease ghost, and discover that it is difficult, but to suffer from it is really.

The main symptom of the disease – chronic pelvic pain, which may disturb the patient for a long time and become a source of abandon many joys of life. Tolerate this discomfort and not go to a doctor, it is not possible!

With the appearance of specific symptoms, we must clearly understand that it is not normal, and immediately seek professional help.