How to treat varicose veins on the legs of the women: all the methods

Among the vascular disorders most common is considered to be varicose veins, which predominantly affects the lower limbs of man. Today the statistics say that every third inhabitant of the planet is the patient phlebology due to problems with the blood vessels of the legs. Among these, one-third of patients have accounted for the women, then the questions about how to treat varicose veins on the legs of women, is more relevant.

varicose veins legs of women

So how at risk are more often women, modern medicine with non-conventional techniques and developed a series of ways to prevent and treat varicose veins. A thing that can affect the treatment of varicose veins must engage profile specialist, a vascular surgeon. In addition, this treatment in women should be based on two principles — systematic and complete.

Signs of varicose veins legs of women

To detect varicose veins in women, it is important to know the characteristics of this disease, and also what are the signs and symptoms may indicate the development. Varicose veins is a pathological process, to be more precise, the level increase as a result of a reduction in the elasticity and tone of the vascular wall. This leads to a flow of the stretching of the walls of the blood vessels, the reflux of the blood, impairing the functioning of the venous valves and backflow of blood.

The disease is characterized by a long and slow development mechanism, in this regard, to detect varicose veins of the legs is very difficult in the initial stages. A poor blood circulation can last for years, the first woman to feel the first signs of varicose veins. The symptoms in the initial phase — is a feeling of heaviness, swelling in the legs and fatigue.

These symptoms are often women, who in the strength of the business for a long time to spend in a position of the body. Subsequently, they can appear other symptoms of varicose veins:

  • swelling of the walls of the blood vessels on the surface of the skin;
  • the manifestation of a vascular network in the foot;
  • the appearance of varicose veins;
  • itching in the area of the event the veins;
  • spasms of the calf muscles involuntary in nature, particularly at night.

Contact a specialist is important when it is detected at least one of the above mentioned symptoms. Advice on these matters can therapist, a vascular surgeon or another. If you tighten trip to the doctor, the symptoms of varicose veins added to blood clots, diverticulum of nodes in large veins, thrombophlebitis (inflammation of veins), as well as the emergence of trophic ulcers on the skin of the foot.

The causes of

While the specialist does not recognize the exact causes of the development of vascular pathology, and to treat varicose veins on the legs of women will be practically impossible. Any disease requires knowledge of their etiology and assumptions, after the termination of which it is possible to suppress a pathological process. Before the doctor sets himself the task of identifying the reasons that led to the break up of the outflow of blood.

Lead to varicose veins can excessive blood supply to the lower limbs, difficulty of drainage of blood from the vessels to the top, which results in the future, vascular malformations, fragility and rupture of the vascular wall following damage to the wall. Before starting to expand to vienna, after which on the skin of the feet is manifested vascular wall, convexity and nodes.

Due to such damage of the vascular wall occurs in the stagnation of the lymph, causes the appearance of swelling, heaviness and pain. In the foot begins to deteriorate skin that itches and flakes.

Often at the risk of varicose veins includes the following categories of women:

  • over the age of 30 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • obesity, or being overweight;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • the predisposition and the inheritance of the varicose veins.

Also here, doctors refer to those women, who for a long time you are in a position of the body, sitting or standing. We must understand that in the absence of treatment of varicose veins leads to disastrous consequences — necrosis, thrombosis, ulcers, and eczema.

Medications (gels and ointments) for external use

Varicose veins you pay medical care mainly 1-and 2-phase development, if intended to diagnose 3 phase, the probability of suppression of pathology small. The treatment must be global, such as therapy, medical doctors usually prescribe parallel to receive the drug applications indoor and outdoor application.

Often the local treatment of varicose veins includes the use of anti-inflammatory medications ointments and gels, which return blood elasticity, strength, and normal forms, and also improve the circulation of blood. In addition, the doctor may prescribe ointments that will alleviate the pain. Also eliminate the acute symptoms varicose veins can ointment and cream based on heparin and indomethacin.

signs of varicose veins

Pills varicose veins

As already mentioned above, if varicose veins of women has reached 2 or 3 phases of development, doctor, necessarily assigns to oral forms of the drug release, special apply in a complex with the external means of the application. The tablets may be pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory

The most popular pills of varicose veins is special drugs that improve the microcirculation of the blood and the flow of blood and reducing the degree of permeability of the walls of the blood vessels. The means which prevent the appearance of stagnant processes in of blood, improving its flow.


Surgically treat varicose veins on the legs of women, is possible only in the case in which drug treatment has proved ineffective, and the doctor gives appointment to the cardinal techniques of therapy. Often the intervention, patients who suffer from varicose veins of the legs 3 and 4 stages. If in addition to this the doctors look at the chronic venous insufficiency, you'll need to prepare conservative therapy.

There are several methods for the surgical treatment of varicose veins in women:

  1. Flebectomia operative excision of the veins, which, in virtue of the disease have been extended and modified.
  2. Sclerotherapy — injection specialist will inject the medication into the affected area of the ship, with the result that pasted between them. Further, the flow of blood is healthy blood vessels and pasted vienna gradually reabsorbed.
  3. Laser coagulation — on the affected area begins to impinge laser radiation on the high frequency of the profile.
  4. Radiowave treatment — the most low-impact and painless method of treatment that does not involve the hospital and the rehabilitation.

Following a favorable outcome of one of the following therapy techniques will depend on the respect for the patient all the recommendations and instructions of the doctor. Promote healing must a correct lifestyle, nutrition, diet, wear underwear of compression, as well as equivalent distribution of work and rest.

Folk remedies and techniques

In addition to the basic therapy, which assigns a specialist doctor, treat varicose veins on the legs in women can be advanced in the house with the help of popular recipes. This home treatment will help you cope with the symptoms of varicose veins, and also speed up the healing process.

  1. The night wraps very good job with edema, itching, and pain syndrome of varicose veins. Run packs need at night for 4-6 weeks, to do this, use the following ingredients:
  • brassicaceae sheets, which are washed and blanched in boiling water;
  • grated potatoes;
  • the juice of aloe and kalanchoe;
  • grated the soap, mixed with a small amount of warm water;
  • the solution of apple cider vinegar with water.

For the application of a compress, take a piece of gauze, folded in several layers, sprinkle with prepared on the subject matter and apply it to the right place. Bandage to close the bandage, which is removed in the morning.

  1. Soda, which is used for compresses, lotions, and friction. In 100 ml of water, dissolve a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate, obtained means to rub the affected area, wash these places the water is not necessary. If you need to make a compress or digitech, this moistened with a solution of a pad of cotton wool, apply with the help of bands at the foot. The course of treatment is of at least 1 month.
  2. Ginseng tincture as a tonic. To prepare the tincture, take 600 ml of vodka and 150 grams of the dried root of the plants. By mixing the ingredients, dye send for 2 weeks in a dark and cool place, always shake the container with the contents. The filtered tincture 1-2 teaspoons to take on an empty stomach every day up to 4 times.

If we talk about a wide varicose veins, the folk medicine recommends to take drinks footbath. For this in 2 liters of warm water dissolve 4 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate, the resulting solution added to the bath water. The duration of a procedure does not exceed 20 minutes, repeat this manipulation is 10 times to 2 times every 7-10 days.

Exercises and gymnastics

If you increase the motor activity, it is possible to improve the status and the functioning of the cardiovascular system and circulatory systems. Doctors prescribe treatment of gymnastic themes patients who spend most of the day on their feet. Perform a series of exercises in the morning, as the charging and in the evening, the whole does not require more than 10 minutes.

popular treatment of varicose veins

The complex of exercises against varicose veins is made up of the following exercises:

  1. Training for the muscles, that is to say, tilt the torso in different directions, turning movements of head, arms, lifts one leg, it is also possible to perform steps of the dance.
  2. The following exercise is running on the pad, for example, the cycling, the mixing, and the breeding of the feet in the form of "scissors", raises the leg above the floor and lowering, lifting and lowering of the pelvis.
  3. Stretching helps to accelerate the blood circulation and the flow of blood. This can be an exercise in sea — gradual squat with divorced widely in the walk. It may also be helpful lunges forward, first to the right, then on the left leg. It is possible to perform a pull-up, lying and standing.

Perform the exercises can be as often as the patient will permit the physical condition of the body. It is important, for a series of exercises has not caused discomfort and pain. More complex types of exercises with varicose veins of the legs must be run under the supervision of a specialist.

If the patient has observed varicose veins running form, exercises, and gymnastics, only possible after the approval of a doctor in a special linen for the home. These precautions are to protect the vessels affected by distortions and injuries.