The symptoms of varicose veins on the legs of the men and methods of treatment

Varicose veins on the legs of the men — this is the most common pathology, accompanied by varicose veins blood vessels of the lower limbs. This violation to the representatives of the stronger sex is less frequent compared to women. This is mainly due to differences in hormonal background, which is observed in the course of life. Many men take the first manifestations of varicose veins on the legs, a slight aesthetic defect, then drop an appointment with a specialist in the later stages of the pathological process.

varicose veins on the legs of men


The physical factors for development of varicose veins on the legs are less men than women. Representatives of the stronger sex do not bring high heels, no children and are not affected by a continuous evolution in the course of life hormonal. Because of the lack of effects of these adverse factors, only 15-20 % of men has been observed in the development of varicose veins.

However, the anatomy of the veins of the lower limbs predisposes to stagnation of the blood, because the transfer happens through a complex mechanism which includes the pressure in the circulatory system, special valves and cuts large muscles. The impact of adverse factors leads to a malfunction of the vascular system of the legs. Create the conditions for the development of this condition in men can be:

  • age-related changes;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • the lack of physical exercise;
  • the excess of weight;
  • the smoke of tobacco;
  • lifting weights;
  • high levels of cholesterol in the blood;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • injuries to the limbs;
  • the abuse of alcohol.

In rare cases, the extension of the diameter of the blood vessels of the lower limbs is the result of the formation of a tumor in the abdominal cavity. When studying family history of men who suffer from varicose veins, are identified in multiple cases of this pathological condition, and therefore does not exclude the possibility of a hereditary predisposition.

The symptoms of varicose veins in men

This violation enjoys a long period of accumulation events that are symptomatic. Varicose veins of the walls of the veins may be amazed how the right and the limb on the left, but in most cases, it is observed bi-directional pathology, even if the degree of severity of his sign on the end can be different.

The first is expressed in the vascular mesh on the skin in the beings. These varicose veins gradually increase in size and become many. Often the appearance of severe venous mesh on the skin of your feet remains unnoticed man. Moreover, already in the early stages of the development of varicose veins a man can disturb the following signs:

  • heaviness and pain in the legs after the long stay in the upright position;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • pain at rest;
  • nocturnal leg cramps;
  • the itching;
  • cold extremities;
  • the tingling feeling on the skin.

In the absence directional treat the symptoms of varicose veins are amplified. The skin to varicose veins the men begin to load patches of pigment. In the lower area of the leg begin highly unplug. Gradual thinning of all layers of the epidermis.

The skin of the feet before acquiring unnatural pallor, and then become blue or purple. Venous the walls widen. In the later stages of the pathological process is clearly irregular varicose corners. They stand out above the surface of the skin.

In the latter stages of this violation of the men visible manifestations of venous alterations of the skin due to a violation of their supply of oxygen and useful substances.

How to treat

For an accurate diagnosis and the target of the therapy, it is necessary to obtain the advice of a vascular surgeon or phlebologist. Necessarily carries out the examination of the veins of the lower limbs of the pelvic organs, and testes. The therapy of the varicose veins of men can be made as conservative and operational methods. This depends on the degree in which it has been identified pathology.

treatment of varicose veins

In the early stages of the development of varicose veins treatment suggested to wear underwear, compression, exercise, physical therapy and the use of particular drugs. The use can bring some folk remedies. In more serious cases, without surgery can not do without.


For surgical use, when the conservative treatment does not improve the condition. To get rid of the dilated veins, men may be offered the following types of minimally invasive operations:

  • laser coagulation;
  • wireless described the impact;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • flebectomia.

After these surgeries the patient recovers quickly. Type of surgery, the vascular surgeon determines individually for each patient.

Folk remedies

Formulations based on plants can be used only on the advice of a doctor. A good effect is achieved when you apply the tincture of the horse chestnut men.

For the preparation of this tool, you need about 5 tablespoons of the skins of the fruit plants pour 1 cup of vodka. The composition must move in a glass jar, dark and insist in the course of 1 week. Ready the tool must be used to clean the areas affected.

Contribute to the resolution of varicose veins can packs of juice of kalanchoe. By applying their will need 30 minutes.

How dangerous is it

In most cases, the men fall to the doctor in the later stages of varicose veins. This increases the risk of complications. Advanced vein often inflamed, which becomes a cause of phlebitis. Moreover, it is a condition can lead to the onset of thrombosis.

The formation of blood clots in the lumen of the vessels of the lower limbs is a danger to the life of men. The detachment of a blood clot may cause pulmonary embolism and death. Also, in the later stages of the development of varicose veins men in the majority of cases, the disease course is complicated venous ulcers, which is extremely difficult to treat.

The consequences

With the progress of varicose is observed muscle atrophy, and the reduction of the thickness of the skin. Due to eating disorders or tissues of any abrasions, scratches, and bruises heal very long time and often become the cause of the formation of venous ulcers. When healing similar formations remain expressed infiltration, scars and other imperfections.

Pain in men become chronic, and then, also short hiking become difficult. Also, often varicose veins blood vessels of the lower limbs spreads to the groin and the pelvic organs. A common consequence is the varicocele, ie varicose seminal cords. When this type of condition men experience problems with the power. The disease can be a cause of infertility.

The prevention of varicose veins

In order to avoid injury of the veins of the legs of a man worth to follow some rules. In the first place, it is necessary to follow with attention, the meals and not to allow the development of obesity. In the diet is necessary to enter large amounts of fruits, vegetables and lean meats and fish. This will reduce the risk of the appearance of plaques of cholesterol and deterioration of the blood vessels of the lower limbs.

You need to avoid the consumption of alcohol and get rid of other bad habits, incl. tobacco. To avoid increasing the pressure in the arteries and in the veins of the legs is necessary to abandon the weight lifting and physical effort. Preferably every day to take a shower contrast, do a foot bath of herbal medicinal products.

If a person has no contraindications, it is possible to in advance after the visit at the doctor apply medicines which affect the firming and toning action. You need to take responsibility for the choice of shoes. Must be made of natural materials and the approach in terms of size.

the popular medicine

From the constant use of appropriate clothing should be abandoned. It is necessary to perform a special gymnastics, is in favour of the resolution, stagnation of blood in the lower limbs. As a preventive measure, it can be recommended to wear the underwear of compression.