How to cure varicose veins: best tools

Varicose veins is present in every second man after the age of 40. Only some manifested very swollen veins, and others – just a regular pain and fatigue in the legs. Cure the disease of need, in any stage of its flow, to avoid complications. Consider, how to treat varicose veins on legs folk remedies, and also with the use of drugs and external funds.

how to cure varicose veins

The surgical treatment of varicose veins

Let's start with the most categorical way to understand that it is better not to get to this point. And then we will see how to treat varicose veins without surgery.

Surgery is used in the latter stages of the disease or when all other methods do not work.

The removal of blood

Involves the incision of the vein or puncture with the goal of issuing a certain amount of blood (up to 300 ml). This allows you to perform the backup of the mechanisms of the circulation of the blood. After the removal of the vein, it is also possible to insert in it the drugs.

For the procedure sometimes used leeches. They are not only suck the blood, but also in parallel to inject the vein with a substance that enhances the therapeutic effect of the procedure.


Partially cure varicose veins on the leg is possible and with the help of flebectomia. This operation of removing the affected vein. As A result of this intervention, you get a great aesthetic effect: the feet become smooth, without protruding blood. The therapeutic use is also, surely, there are: the blood flow is restored.

Flebectomia can be done surgically, when the affected vein is literally pulled out of the town of blood flow to the hook. The second method – with the help of the laser. Injected into a vein lasers, optical fibres, under the influence of which the walls are glued together, and grow together. Vienna stops working.

The conservative treatment of varicose veins

Yet most of the people are interested, it is possible to cure varicose veins without surgery. Yes, you can, but only in the event of a timely approach. Treat varicose veins need in a way that is coherent and complete, by using different types of therapy.

Medical therapy

Or treatment with tablets. So-called pills of varicose veins does not exist. But there are medications that can improve the tone of veins, strengthen the walls, remove the inflammation and will thin the blood. Modern and effective drugs are:

  • Anticoagulants.
  • Decongestants.
  • Antiplatelet agents.
  • To resolve hyperpigmentation of the skin.
  • Antioxidants.

Medications must be prescribe by a doctor or vascular surgeon in the complex therapy. Because it is only taking tablets will not cure the walk from the varicose veins. It is necessary to use other methods.

External methods to fight varicose veins

There are several options that can be combined or alternated.

Compression stockings

Wearing special golf shoes, which have on the different areas of the foot to different pressure, you not only avoid the swelling, and fatigue, but also to improve the function of the veins. Wear this shirt is not bad, is not causing discomfort. The problem is in the selection of the correct degree of compression. It is desirable to its identified the doctor, because this depends on the severity of losses of varicose veins.

How to treat varicose veins, simply wearing the socks? In the first place, it is necessary to do it regularly, putting knitwear in the morning and pulling out in the evening. This is very useful especially for those who are sitting or standing work. In the second place, to get an added effect, can be worn at the waist the socks under ointment against varicose veins, which we will discuss below. Compression stockings can wear them, men and women. For the latter there is a special knee-length socks and black in color, and does not distinguish from regular clothes.

Ointments and creams against varicose veins

This is a great accessory treatment method. Apply a special cream may be as of night, and under compression socks.

Thanks external tools, it is possible to achieve the following results:

ointment from varicose veins
  1. reduction of leg pain;
  2. the reduction in the level of swelling;
  3. the improvement of the activities of the valves of the system;
  4. increased tone of the venous wall;
  5. the recovery of the circulation of the blood;
  6. prevent complications.

Reviews underline the effect of the use of ointments only along with the intake of tablets and to wear elastic stockings. If you smear your feet and do not do anything more – the results will not be. Although, if you are talking about the prevention of varicose veins, ointment will be sufficient.

Foot massage and a shower contrast

Now on how to treat varicose veins in legs at home. Those who suffer from varicose veins, you need to include in your routine of two procedures: a shower of contrast (alternating cold and warm water) and massage to the feet. The last can be combined with lesions of the scalp ointments, or take advantage of a special massage ball.

Massage and contrast showers improve the circulation of the blood. This also promotes the reabsorption of small blood clots, which then do not become dense, blocking the blood vessels.

Popular methods against varicose veins

You can try to treat varicose veins folk remedies. But this should be discussed with a doctor and also be used in a comprehensive way. Here we present some recipes from the register of HLS.

The leaves of burdock

Compose burdock in the woods or in a park. Home rinse under running water. Pre-wrap the foot with a layer of a bandage in a sterile state. Then apply a couple of leaves back to hot tea in a few seconds. Applying hot cups to the legs during the night. Apply this tool through out the day for 2 weeks. Helps the pain and the swelling.

Apple cider vinegar

If the legs, trophic ulcers and other damage, you can rub the apple cider vinegar for the night. Already after a month, the daily rubbing the knots to melt, the legs will be visually more beautiful and smooth. If there are no problems with the stomach and intestines, apple cider vinegar can drink. 1 tablespoon diluted in a glass of water, add honey and drink half an hour before breakfast.


Need 100 g of powder seasoning. Dust poured 0.5 liters of vodka and infused in a container in the dark for 10 days. Every day you need to shake the bottle (the bank). After this tool is filtered and used for 20 drops before meals. You can apply up to complete healing.

Where it is better to treat varicose veins

It is possible to cure varicose veins at home? These questions are people who do not have time for the treatment in the hospital, and only those who do not like medical institutions. Home treatment is possible; man can continue to go to work. But to choose and assign all procedures must, however, doctor (angiologist). Is the program of visits of the patient, to observe the dynamics of the disease.

The most severe cases of varicose veins can be cured in the clinic, in the department of vascular surgery. If that office is not there, the patient can put in a normal surgery. Of the procedures in this case, are assigned the injections (diuretics, to eliminate the edema), eye dropper (for cleaning and thinning of the blood), tablets. If for a certain period of time the improvements does not occur, the doctor may put the issue of the necessity of flebectomia or another type of intervention.

Quickly treat varicose veins does not work neither in the clinic or at home. Even after the removal of the affected vein is necessary to adhere to prevention, to save the result.

How to prevent varicose veins

An important question: is it possible to cure varicose veins forever? Yes, if, after the resolution of all the symptoms to comply with the prevention measures.

  • Continue to wear compression stockings (at least a couple of days to a week).
  • The year guzzle 1-2 of the course of tablets, to maintain the state of the veins in the norm.
  • Move more, do a massage or self-massage, not to forget the shower for contrast.
  • Try to avoid very high heels and socks with stretched elastic.
treatment of varicose veins

The prevention of varicose veins simple; the only thing that matters is the frequency. If you ignore any procedures, varicose veins can start again. And also in this case, it must be processed. And the treatment of the disease is always harder than prevention.