The individual reticular varicose veins of the lower limbs: the description of the disease, its causes and treatment

One of the varieties of varicose veins is varices reticular. This disease affects large blood vessels, and vienna, in the vicinity of the cover of the skin. These small veins visible and worsen the appearance.

varicose, reticular

Features of the development of the disease

The individual reticular varicose veins is not separate independent disease. This is the initial phase normal of varicose veins. Another name of this disease – the net of varicose veins. Illness manifests in the form of small lattices, or asterisks, which mainly occur on the legs.

Reticular varicose veins are presented, introduced by the detection of small blood vessels and capillaries. In medical practice, reticular vienna called telangiectasia.

Plexus blood vessels may be different: linear, net, arachnids, spotty.

It appears this aesthetic defect with age. This disease does not pose any danger.

The causes of

The individual reticular varicose veins is mostly found in women. Affect the appearance of the disease may different factors. The main reason for the development of pathology in violation of the venous tone.

The disease often develops during pregnancy, as the load on the legs increases, therefore the flow of blood is broken. Also for the development of this variety of diseases can affect the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and during menopause.

Other causes of the development of reticular varicose veins:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • The load on the legs during long walks;
  • Sedentary life-style;
  • Wear things that tighten;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hypertension;
  • Diseases of the liver;
  • Injuries to the limbs;
  • The solar radiation;
  • Diseases of the skin.

The problem with the venous system can occur with a deficiency of the vitamin or irrational nutrition.

Very often, venous grid appear in women, who often work in walk is a hairdresser, teachers, sellers, etc.

All of these causes can lead to the formation of small venous mesh, which would lead to a deterioration of health, and the appearance of the legs.

The symptoms

Vascular congestion of the grids appear mainly below the knees or the thighs. These mesh cyanotic, and of a reddish color. They are of various sizes, the degree of brightness. If the pressure on the affected area, vascular mesh disappear, and then appear again.

Varicose, reticular walk accompanied with the following symptoms:

  • The pain in the legs
  • The appearance of edema
  • The heaviness in the legs
  • Cramps in the calf
  • Itching in the calf of the leg, and stop

These signs of the evolution of the disease are amplified in the evening and after a strong weight on the feet. Usually this type of varicose veins will not be heard while driving.

If you do not take any action and resolution of vascular lattices, the disease enters the next stage.

Then vienna, fall, form the nodes, while walking the patient feels the pain. Even though the symptoms are slightly, this is not a reason to delay visiting a doctor. Treat varicose veins in the form of a network, in the initial phase, as well as in the future, the disease can lead to various complications.

Popular treatment

treatment of varicose veins

Apply the traditional methods of treatment is suitable in the initial stage of the development of varicose veins, when there is varicose not more than 0.5 mm.

The Folk recommendations for the treatment of varicose veins:

  • To increase the elasticity of blood vessels, apply the tincture of horse chestnut. The tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy or cook it yourself. Take the dry chestnuts and mix with the vodka in a ratio of 1:10. Mix everything and leave it to act for 20 days. Take a couple of times a day 40 drops.
  • To reduce the sensation of pain and heaviness in the legs using a dye with a base of nutmeg. A teaspoon of nutmeg powder should drink water in the morning fasting for several days. The powder can be purchased in a store or the pharmacy.
  • Effective in the fight against varicose veins is an infusion of red clover. Take 2 teaspoons of the herbs and pour two cups of hot water. Leave in infusion for 4 hours. Take the instrument for 30 minutes prior to the beginning of a meal to 1/3 cup. It is important to remember that the sweet clover is a poisonous plant, so take the infusion should be only after consultation with the doctor.

Also infusions and decoctions are widely used compresses, lotions – tools for external use:

  • The buds of the birch against the varicose veins. The flower buds are dried, pour in half a pint jar 1/3 of the total capacity. Then pour in the kidney vodka and leave in 10 days. After the specified period to lubricate the infusion that the affected area.
  • For foot baths used a decoction of the bark of the white willow. Hot water (2 cups) pour 2 tablespoons of willow bark. Boil the broth for 20 minutes, then use for other purposes. After foot baths to wear a special therapy of knitting.

The traditional methods of treatment are used as a support and therapy support.

Other methods of treatment

In addition to pharmacological treatment, there are other ways to treat reticular veins varicose:

  1. The sclerotherapy. The procedure consists in the use of special chemicals, which are introduced with a fine needle inside the capillary, or venous. Depending on the number of branching vascular duration of the procedure varies and ranges from 5 to 60 minutes. After the execution of the procedures on the affected area, the patient wears a captain. Wearing his problem for 4-10 days.
  2. Laser coagulation. Get rid of the blood vessels can be for a short period of time. Thanks to this, this method is the most effective treatment, unlike other methods. The laser acts to protect the blood vessels, as a result of sealing the extended blood. If exposed to laser, the patient may feel a slight discomfort. After running the three procedures, it is possible to notice in direct.
  3. Micro-flebectomia. The doctor performs a small puncture, and then pulls out the vein on the surface. After having tied and cut. Such manipulation takes place with all the slain of the veins. Immediate the surgery is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure is performed without the use of chemicals and drugs. It should be noted that after a couple of these procedures, the scars and scars on the skin does not remain.

Possible complications and prevention

diagnosis and prevention

In many cases the disease is painless, however, to treat the disease is necessary. At the first sign of contact professionally qualified personnel. In the opposite case, the vascular network in the foot will begin to increase.

Some symptoms may indicate a complication of this disease:

  • Bruising;
  • Bleeding within the skin;
  • Edema of the lower limbs;
  • Muscle cramps;
  • Bleeding with the direction of the veins.

If you do not treat varicose, reticular, and this can lead to chronic venous insufficiency.

To avoid the appearance of a vascular network in the foot, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  • Before going to sleep, take a cold shower for the legs.
  • Do sports, perform a variety of exercises for the legs and joints.
  • When there is a long time in a sitting position, it is necessary to perform exercises to accelerate the flow of blood in the veins.
  • Useful swimming pool, Turkish bath and a sauna.
  • It is important to change your lifestyle: adjust your diet, get rid of excess weight, etc.

The people who come in a group at risk, one of the rules must comply necessarily. They also need to wear a special compression stockings, to follow the diet, give up bad habits.