author João Diogo

The name:
João Diogo


  • What is the effect of varicose vein surgery? How to prepare for the operation, how to proceed, and what to do after the intervention? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article.
    13 October 2021
  • What are varicose veins of the lower extremities? The main causes of development, symptoms and diagnostic options. Treatment and prevention of varicose veins.
    16 September 2020
  • The importance of proper nutrition in varicose veins. What products are encouraged to apply and which to reject. Recipes diets with varicose veins.
    25 July 2019
  • Unfortunately, today, varicose veins – it is just a common problem for many people, regardless of gender, race.
    17 July 2019
  • How to treat varicose veins on legs folk remedies, medicines, with the use of ointments and underwear compression. And also operative methods of treatment.
    24 December 2018
  • Reasons for development of varicose veins in the legs, symptoms and treatment (conservative and surgical, classification of the disease described in the article.
    20 September 2018
  • Varicose veins (varicose veins) is a chronic disease in which the veins are refundable expansion, which takes place simultaneously with the violation in the course of an outflow of blood and its stagnation within the venous system.
    19 September 2018
  • Wellness massage with varicose veins are an important element of the complex therapy of this disease. Improves the blood circulation and the trophism of the tissues, improves muscle tone, promotes better functioning of the venous valves, preventing the backflow of blood.
    14 September 2018
  • The operation on the veins on the legs – the decision, which many people with varicose veins are after many hesitations and often only take in that moment, when the leg pain becomes unbearable, and the veins not only look aesthetically, and scare the reliefs and the blue.
    14 September 2018
  • How is the treatment of varicose veins folk remedies? The application of compresses, the execution of massage and exercises for the advanced resolution of the blood vessels.
    29 August 2018
  • In varicose veins, or varicose veins of the lower limbs, the walls of the blood vessels, so blood flows from the tissues to the heart, become larger, deformed, and worse perform their function.
    11 August 2018
  • In varicose veins, or varicose veins of the lower limbs, the walls of the blood vessels, so blood flows from the tissues to the heart, become larger, deformed, and worse perform their function.
    10 August 2018
  • How to treat varicose veins on the legs of the men, as is the treatment, what are the consequences, the symptoms and the causes, what to do, how to treat folk remedies in the house.
    23 June 2018